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Man that is so awesome! Reminds me of one of my birthdays on the boat. They taped me to a steam pipe that was running paralell to the deck. I hung out for a while. Gotta love some good hazing.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]No Jeep To speak of. But I got a Hummer H3[/COLOR]
Man that is so awesome! Reminds me of one of my birthdays on the boat. They taped me to a steam pipe that was running paralell to the deck. I hung out for a while. Gotta love some good hazing.
Ahhh.. I miss those days. Did they just tape you or did they give you pink belly too?
Wog day used to be...uh....well, it SUCKED!!!!! Of course, when I crossed, they were still allowed to beat us with fire hoses. The next time we crossed, we weren't allowed to do any of that....no crawling around the ship in your hands and knees for half the day, no "tube of s#!t" to make people crawl through, no beating people with fire hoses.....none of the fun stuff.
Of course we did manage to sneak a couple of the women up into our berthing area and drop some jalipino's down the crack of their (which was better than what the guys got...the got the tobasco sauce and a raw egg....)
I think I still have my shellback card around here somewhere.....it is even one of the old "non-politically correct" versions.
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!
Wog day was pretty weak when I went through it. Lots of metal slivers in the hands after though. Ah yes then there was the joy of smoking in the smoke pit in my boxers afterwards. The worst part though was after crawling around on the flight deck we were covered from head to toe in grease and it didn't want to come off.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]No Jeep To speak of. But I got a Hummer H3[/COLOR]
Looks like what we used to do to the boots in the Marine Corps. We used to put them in a fartsack and tie them to the crane. We would give them a plastic knife and tell them to cut them selves out when they were ready. We would then put them 50 feet in the air for a while.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed!!!!