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Oh! When I bought it there was a tick tick tick in the engine. I couldnt figure out what it was. So I called a friend over and he used his stethescope to find where the sound was coming from. Well, he said "Pull the head!" He/we thought itwas the air cleaner nut in the cylinder (air cleaner is missing). Well, we pulled the head and guess what:
that reminds me, i need to get a picture from my cousin. piston with a valve through it
I have one of those around here somewhere. there was no "pow bang pow bang pow bang" to it. It was more like "powbangbangbangbangbang.....", only turn the volume up all the way first. What did I learn from that? Don't use cheap lifters. The snap ring broke on the lifter for the #7 exhaust valve (BBC), lifter pumped up, valve hit piston, piston went boom, rod went "bangbangbangbang.....", and I went to the machine shop to have the cylinder wall sleeved.
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!