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I like the idea of leaving Sunday and coming home a few days later..I can take the week off. I just need some notice. I would love to have a few days wheeling and sight seeing in between. No rush what so ever. I'm open to any and all ideas
We're in for the week, wife said she'll do the tent camping on the trail but asked to have a day or two at a hotel/lodge at or near Tahoe and do some sightseeing. We too just need enough time in advanced to get time off of work.
I can't do a week, most I could do is a weekend plus 2 week days probably, maybe 3 week days. But count me in for saturday-tuesday, or thursday-sunday, which ever. I could leave for home a few days before the rest, if it's a week long trip.
I've gotta take a few days off sometime anyway, I've got get out of the city and away from work. My days off aren't paid, but a day spent in the great outdoors is much better than a paid day spent at work!
Our Annual Run is the last week/weekend in July. We missed it last year Weve been both on the weekend and during the week.
Its best if you can dedicate more than two days to it. Rubicon Springs needs two days alone...just for the relaxin' part I hope my tow strap rope swing is still up!
I would really love to go to Rubicon this year. Its going to depend on what gets done here at the house, and if our family dynamics change.
I didn't know you had an annual run. Nobody said anything when I originally mentioned the Rubicon.
Hope everything works out for you!
And Daniel- hopefully we can work something out for everybody that wants to go. I definitely think it'll be to our advantage if we can go anytime but the weekend...it's a long drive there. For once, you'll be driving longer than I will this time.
Since none of you have run the Rubicon before, here is some advice. Its a long way from home. If you dont have AAA platinum, get it. Start accumulating spare parts (axles, u-joints, tire plug kit, fluids, etc) because there is a fair chance of breakage. Every time I've been on the Rubi I have seen someone broken. You have to be able to fix it there because there are not parts stores around. If someone has an onboard welder even better. And if you dont mind, try sharing the cooking duties. Instead of everyone bringing a stove or grill, share one and have each member cook a meal for the group each day. That way you all can pack lighter. If you go in loaded down it will be more of a challenge. And please please please pack in pack out. The folks that maintain the Rubicon work thier butts off to keep it open. Its a water shed and very susceptable to closure (what a suprise). Have fun and take lots of pictures.