Over the years we had quite a variety of dogs. They included mixed breeds, Doberman, Airedale, Australian Shepard, Brittney, German Short Hair Pointer, Tosa and American Bulldog. We typically have two or three dogs at a time. Hands down Nikko, our Cane Corso, was the was the most confident, intelligent, easiest to train and most eager to please of any of the dogs we've had. He was a great family member being clean, quite and very affectionate.
We lost Nikko last year and while I usually move on to another breed, all I could think about was getting another Corso. And we did. This is Cooper at 8.5 weeks old.

We lost Nikko last year and while I usually move on to another breed, all I could think about was getting another Corso. And we did. This is Cooper at 8.5 weeks old.
