Except for the first, next to last and last sentences - we're in agreement 
Assuming said intruder was still outside my house, I _might_ attempt to "scare him away" before he gained entrance. The dog pretty much makes sure that no one gets near the house without us knowing about it.
Unless you've got a "pretty serious social shotgun" (and the training to go with it) - you're pretty much limited to fixed point defense. Fine if all your people are in one place, with a limited path to them (choke point) to defend.
Gunfight is only going to last 10 to 15 seconds assuming both sides are shooting - that's about 10 seconds longer than I'm planning for.

Assuming said intruder was still outside my house, I _might_ attempt to "scare him away" before he gained entrance. The dog pretty much makes sure that no one gets near the house without us knowing about it.
Unless you've got a "pretty serious social shotgun" (and the training to go with it) - you're pretty much limited to fixed point defense. Fine if all your people are in one place, with a limited path to them (choke point) to defend.
Gunfight is only going to last 10 to 15 seconds assuming both sides are shooting - that's about 10 seconds longer than I'm planning for.