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  • #16
    Wondering if you've heard about this part???

    [COLOR="Sienna"]Today I was reading a Michigan website, you know how much they love their guns back home! But just some more liberal B.S.[/COLOR]

    "HR 1 is about more than just pork. Millions of gun owners stand to lose their gun rights without any due process." -- Larry Pratt, GOA Executive Director

    The Obama administration is putting a lot of pressure on Congress to slam through the most recent $800+ billion bailout package before anyone has an opportunity to read it.

    The Obama administration intones that the details are unimportant. The only thing that matters is the "bigness." And, by shipping a bill of nearly $900 billion (plus interest) to our children and grandchildren, the package is really, really big -- bigger, in fact, than the budget of our entire government for the first 170 years of our country's existence.

    But now that some of the details are finally starting to leak out of Washington, Gun Owners -- and a lot of other analysts -- are beginning to look at the fine print. And some of it is particularly scary.

    Of particular concern to gun owners are sections 13101 through 13434 of HR 1, which would set up the infrastructure to computerize the medical records of ALL AMERICANS in a government-coordinated database.

    True, the bill doesn't mandate that the data will be in a giant computer under the Oval Office. But it does mandate that your medical records be reduced to a computerized form which is available to it in a second.

    This it would do by establishing a National Coordinator for Health Information Technology -- tasked with, among other things, "providing information to help guide medical decisions at the time and place of care."

    It should be scary enough that a government bureaucrat is directed by statute to try to influence your doctor's decisions with respect to your medical care.

    But of even greater concern to gun owners is the fact that a government-coordinated database (which government can freely access) will now contain all records of government-provided and private psychiatric treatment -- including, in particular, the drugs which were prescribed.

    Remember last year's "NICS Improvement Act" -- otherwise known as the Veterans Disarmament Act? This law codified ATF's attempts to make you a prohibited person on the basis of a government psychiatrist's finding that you are a "danger" -- without a finding by any court. Well, roughly 150,000 battle-scarred veterans have already been unfairly stripped of their gun rights by the government.

    But people who, as kids, were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder... or seniors with Alzheimer's... or police with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder... or people who are now theoretically covered by the new law... these people have, generally, not suffered the consequences of its sanctions -- YET. And the chief reason is that their records are not easily available to the government in a central, easily retrievable, computerized form.

    The bailout bill would change all of that. It would push increasingly hard to force your private psychiatrist or government-sanctioned psychiatrist to turn over your psychiatric records to a massive database. This would be mandated immediately if your doctor does business with the government.

    This would supposedly save Medicare money in connection with medical treatment. And, the sponsors insist, they would work very hard to protect your privacy.

    But this turns the concept of "privacy" on its head. The privacy which is MOST important is privacy from the prying eyes of government -- not privacy of government data against the prying eyes of others. After all, many government data bases have been hacked in recent years, with mountains of information stolen.

    So, once the government has access to these computerized psychiatric records, the stage will be set for using that database to take away the gun rights of those with Alzheimer's, those with ADD, and those with PTSD.

    ACTION: Write your two senators. Urge them to vote against the bailout bill (HR 1) until it is stripped of provisions which would turn your psychiatric records over to a central government-coordinated database against your will -- without you getting your day in court.

    You can go to the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Senators the Pre-written e-mail message below.

    ----- Prewritten Letter -----

    Dear Senator:

    I am particularly concerned about sections 13101 through 13434 of the new bailout bill (HR 1). These sections would set up the infrastructure to computerize the medical records of ALL AMERICANS in a government-coordinated database, including psychiatric records.

    It is scary enough that a government bureaucrat is directed by statute to try to influence my doctor's decisions with respect to my medical care.

    But of even greater concern to gun owners is the fact that a government-coordinated database will now contain all records of government-provided and private psychiatric treatment.

    Last year's "NICS Improvement Act" codified ATF's attempts to make a person a prohibited person on the basis of a government psychiatrist's finding that he is a "danger" -- without a finding by any court. Well, roughly 150,000 battle-scarred veterans have already been unfairly stripped of their gun rights by the government.

    Now, this new government-coordinated database threatens the gun rights of people who, as kids, were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder... seniors with Alzheimer's... police with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder... and many other law-abiding Americans.

    Please vote against cloture on HR 1 until this provision is removed.

    [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
    Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


    • #17
      Those bastards are always trying to sneak things into laws. Prospective laws should always be eyed with suspicion--especially when someone is trying to push them through virtually unread.

      So I suppose that we should send a letter like the one above to Feinstein and Boxer? Good luck with that one: you may as well try to save the devil's soul.

      Obama speaks intelligently and articulately--even I was kinda moved by some of the things he said in his inauguration speech, and I don't trust any of those bastards. I'm sure the Beast and the False Prophet will be even more inspiring.

      I think gun control sucks, but let's look a little deeper into the issue. How many of you gun zealots will stand a snowball's chance in hell when the militarized police are kicking in your door? When the chips are down, how many of you gun zealots really give a sh** about anyone except yourselves and your own families? Not enough of you, so you may as well forget about your firearms being worth a damn when it comes to protecting your own freedom, let alone that of this country. We the People do not have the character of the men who founded this nation, or of the women who stood behind them. Let us not kid ourselves.
      holes = cowbell


      • #18
        Originally posted by Roger View Post
        This has got me thinking. I wonder how many Senators & Congressmen own guns. I wonder if they would turn them in if they voted to outlaw them. The Democrats are for higher taxes ans they seem to be the ones lately not paying them. Double standard?
        Thats typical is it not ?
        "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


        • #19
          I have heard up to 20 states have followed now...

          Don't know the accuracy but here's some more info:

          States Pull Away from Feds??
          « on: February 07, 2009, 05:21:31 AM »

          I don't know where this came from so I don't even know if it's true.
          Maybe our news hounds can do some investigating...

          ================================================== =============
          Something BIG is happening; 9 U.S. states declare sovereignty
          Last week, I reported on this blog that the New Hampshire Legislature made a dramatic declaration warning the federal government that they risk "nullifying the Constitution."

          Within the past 7 days, eight other U.S. states have made similar declarations of their sovereignty!

          Clearly something "big" is up. These types of actions by state legislatures rarely if ever take place, and I know of absolutely no time in US history when so many states made such declarations within such a short period of time.

          WHAT IF. . . . . .
          The states disband the federal government; which is within their power to do via Constitutional Convention, then walk away from the entire $20 TRILLION U.S. National Debt?

          They could tell the creditors to go collect the money from the people who borrowed it. . . . . Oh, wait. . . . . . they no longer exist . . . . . too bad. Bye.

          We could be witnessing the foundation of the biggest financial !!!!-job in the history of the world as US states dissolve the federal government that borrowed all the money!

          Below are links to the nine states (so far) that have made sovereignty declarations of one type or another.


          New Hampshire







          Posted by at 2/05/2009 09:51:00 PM

          Last edited by Max7; 02-17-09, 10:27 AM.
          "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


          • #20
            There certaily has been enough of that done within our borders here, companies getting big contracts, collecting the cash and then dissolving before the goods have been delivered...
            :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


            • #21
              Originally posted by Max7 View Post
              WHAT IF. . . . . .
              The states disband the federal government; which is within their power to do via Constitutional Convention, then walk away from the entire $20 TRILLION U.S. National Debt?
              States may be able to disband the federal government as we know it, but clearly they do not understand how a Constitutional Convention works. i.e. it can be replaced by anything, and the states absolutely have no say in it.

              I took Anthony Adams a DVD about a Con Con today and I am not sure his staff members understood it either.

              We DO NOT NEED a Constitutional Convention unless we're prepared to accept the consequences. (yet we are getting eerily close to one) And with this legislature, that is quite a scary thought.
              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:

