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I keep hearing about this Jeep club that has hundreds of members and they seem really cool. I think it's called something like "MY JEEP ROCKS". There is a website that lists all kinds of trail runs, Help info, etc......
clubs, politics, dues, politics, monthly meetings on set dates and sites, politics........humm I really like MJR, seems to have none of those and all the benefits of a club, like an AAT trail or 2, trail runs, the best forum on the web and a leader who is doing a great job.
I want to start a new club in Ventura. Ant one want to join.
Just curious . . . why are you looking to start up a club in Ventura, if you are located in Palmdale? I think there are a couple of clubs in the Ventura area already . . . On the Rocks and Point Magu.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
clubs, politics, dues, politics, monthly meetings on set dates and sites, politics........humm I really like MJR, seems to have none of those and all the benefits of a club, like an AAT trail or 2, trail runs, the best forum on the web and a leader who is doing a great job.
I think it depends on the individual club. My local club, the Waywegos, is a great group. We each take a turn leading a monthly run to a place of our choosing, there are no politics that I am aware of, dues are cheap (most of the $ goes to Cal4Wheel), club members help each other out alot, we maintain a local trail, we meet at a special ed center and take those kids on a special run annually, which is a very big deal for them and us.
I have heard bad stuff about some other clubs, but mine is top notch in my view.
I think it depends on the individual club. My local club, the Waywegos, is a great group. We each take a turn leading a monthly run to a place of our choosing, there are no politics that I am aware of, dues are cheap (most of the $ goes to Cal4Wheel), club members help each other out alot, we maintain a local trail, we meet at a special ed center and take those kids on a special run annually, which is a very big deal for them and us.
I have heard bad stuff about some other clubs, but mine is top notch in my view.
:thumbs_up sounds like a pretty good club. i know alot of the ones up here "usally" donate to pretty good causes such as tread lightly and whatnot.
I saw the one post thing myself and thought, troll. That is kinda the thought behind my post.
Actually a club is a good idea,, but I find in the day of the modern web that many guys are forgoing the traditional club route of monthly meetings and stuff to ways of internet websites. For the reason that the sites usually cross state borders it can be hard to organize them into clubs. I think Sarah has done a extremely good job of developing a AAT without the formal attachment people have to clubs. But then this site works a bit different than most open forums. None of the negative promotion in arguments is allowed. Makes the site stand out among a lot of the others.
I love the way MJR can be a political as you want, and not at all if you don't. When I was in a club I was bombarded with 'what are you gonna do?' and nobody else was really doing anything. Older members were resting on their laurels and looking to the new membership to carry the banner. I took me a while to give up the rep of being a member of a badass club though. But I am so free now! and I wheel with kick ass people like Rat Patrol, Jeep Virgin, Max7, Malachi, Desert jewel, Dr. Dirty... I mean just to name a few. And if I have time and want to be involved I get in on the trail maintenance and its a family atmosphere. This place is just the best. I can even pay 'dues' if I want, and have stickers and t-shirts... this MJR place is the best of the 'club' thing without any of the head or heart ache. :2:
oh and Dirtman, didn't forget wheelin' with you bro!
:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
A number of people on this board know and wheel with me. I am a member of On the Rocks in Ventura County, even though I have retired to Apple Valley. Our club is made up of around 25-30 members who have a variety of interests with regards to four wheeling. We have folk who like the easy to the more hard-core, like myself. I have a group that I wheel the Hammers and such frequently. Interestingly, some of this group are ex-members of OTR and a couple are Bakersfield Trailblazers, plus non-club folk. A requirement of our club is membership in CORVA and Cal4Wheel.
OTR is fairly active in off-road issues. I am pretty involved with FOJV. One of our members is the primary person for FOPV. A number of us purchased land in the Panamint City area to have standing in suing for rights to access to our land. A number of other individuals joined us (including some of the Tinbenders and others you would recognize). A group from Bakersfield Trailblazers also purchased land there. I believe these are the main two groups who purchased land there in this battle.
OTR participates in Cal4Wheel events by helping to either lead trails or other support. We used to run Pumkin Eater at HDR (maybe 3-4 years) and have hosted the Teeter Totter for probably seven years. A trio of our members were the leads for HDR one year.
Why join a club? I have maintained my membership because of the friends I have made; the involvement of the club in helping to keep our lands for us; and a support for a larger organization that can be involved at the state and more level. Remember that Cal4Wheel and CORVA both have voices at the state level and are looked to for guidance on issues affecting the off-road community.
Guess I would say that clubs are not for everyone. There are certainly people I voted to not have inducted into OTR. I do believe that all who are involved in our sport should join CORVA and Cal4Wheel. I would also suggest that a group like MJR could get more involved at a CORVA or Cal4Wheel event by hosting a run, hosting a game (such at HDR) or such. The involvement of new people is always a nice addition.
A number of people on this board know and wheel with me.
I definitely know Rich. I'm pretty sure that sticker that says"you can follow me, but it's gonna hurt" was made by someone who followed him through JV...
Guess I would say that clubs are not for everyone. There are certainly people I voted to not have inducted into OTR. I do believe that all who are involved in our sport should join CORVA and Cal4Wheel. I would also suggest that a group like MJR could get more involved at a CORVA or Cal4Wheel event by hosting a run, hosting a game (such at HDR) or such. The involvement of new people is always a nice addition.
See ya on the trails......
I totally agree Rich. We have the people and the wherewithall to do whatever we put our minds to. Thanks for the great ideas. And the support.