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McCain Announces his VP Running Mate


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  • McCain Announces his VP Running Mate

    McCain has selected a gun totin', bible thumpin', conservative hocky-mom. She's Governor Palin of Alaska! She grew up hunting & fishing!

    My kind of woman!
    Last edited by Roger; 08-29-08, 04:59 PM. Reason: Corrected the spelling of the the Governor's name!
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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  • #2
    And hot. Can't wait until the bikini debate, she will beat Biden there for sure.


    • #3
      Yeh, but what does the VP ACTUALLY do?

      It's still going to be the war-monger, liberal, global-warming-believing, tied-in-with-all-the-washington-corruption, gun-grabbin McCain running the joint.

      I sure hope everyone isn't snowed so easily.
      :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


      • #4
        Originally posted by scherf68 View Post
        And hot. Can't wait until the bikini debate, she will beat Biden there for sure.
        Biden in a bikini, you are one sick dude
        SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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        • #5
          Originally posted by sarah View Post
          Yeh, but what does the VP ACTUALLY do?

          It's still going to be the war-monger, liberal, global-warming-believing, tied-in-with-all-the-washington-corruption, gun-grabbin McCain running the joint.

          I sure hope everyone isn't snowed so easily.

          I know haw you feel, but think of this: McCain is really old, the VP will step into the Persident's position if God forbid something should happen to him. A gun totin' Conservative VP is a good back up plan...

          I feel that if you vote third party, you are casting a vote favoring the Democrats. Obama and a Democratic controlled Congress can do a lot of damage in four years. This is the time to be practical and not idealistic. I hope you are not too mad at me
          SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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          • #6
            Reading Governor Palin's rap sheet, it doesn't seem she's the type to be "put on a shelf". That being said, I think she'll make sure her voice is heard on issues like gun control, drilling in Alaska for oil, economics, etc. I'd rather have SOME hope of keeping my guns with the McCain ticket than no hope at all on the Nobama ticket.

            My, :2:
            [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
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            • #7
              Originally posted by Roger View Post
              McCain has selected a gun totin', bible thumpin', conservative hocky-mom. She's Governor Palin of Alaska! She grew up hunting & fishing!

              My kind of woman!

              Just watched her speech . . . first time I've really heard anything about or from her, which is kinda sad seeing that I've heard all about her prego daughter and to be hubby and her special needs baby. I've got to say . . . at first I thought this was just another political move to get some of the female Hilary supporting vote away from Obama . . . well wait I guess I still do think that, but at the same time, I now think they might have stumbled upon to something. PTA to City Council to Mayor of her home town to Governor of the state . . . 80% approval rating . . . is that for real??? I was worried by some of the bible thumping comments as separation of church and state seems to be a concept that the Republican party forgot about years ago, but not once did I hear her bring up her religious views, let alone . . . abortion, gay rights, etc. HMMMMMMM . . . this might get interesting.
              That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


              • #8
                After being beat up by all week, I thought she handled tonight very well. I think the Democrats are probably worried...
                SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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                • #9
                  Originally posted by Schmo View Post
                  not once did I hear her bring up her religious views, let alone . . . abortion, gay rights, etc. HMMMMMMM . . . this might get interesting.
                  because she opposes all of them, and knows that if she says something, then everyone will realize that she is full of :poop:

                  also note that she has an 80% approval rating as governor of a state with less than 8% of the population of greater los angeles, in a state that is typically conservative in voting trend, and governed her home town of 7,000 people before becoming governor. it would sorta be like if i asked someone with a nurse's aid degree to perform a quadruple bypass on my closest relative, tomorrow. if you really think about it, it's kinda scary, once you see past the very very very outer surface. now, i love alaska, and have met or know great people living in the state, and i'm sure she is a great governor there, i'm just providing this as comparison information for consideration.

                  IMO her selection as VP is a ploy to snatch up the conservative and evangelical voting base that McCain cannot woo.
                  Last edited by maddmike; 09-03-08, 11:55 PM.
                  03 TJ. It'll go 65mph...can't complain.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by maddmike View Post
                    because she opposes all of them, and knows that if she says something, then everyone will realize that she is full of :poop:

                    also note that she has an 80% approval rating as governor of a state with less than 8% of the population of greater los angeles, in a state that is typically conservative in voting trend, and governed her home town of 7,000 people before becoming governor. it would sorta be like if i asked someone with a nurse's aid degree to perform a quadruple bypass on my closest relative, tomorrow. if you really think about it, it's kinda scary, once you see past the very very very outer surface. now, i love alaska, and have met or know great people living in the state, and i'm sure she is a great governor there, i'm just providing this as comparison information for consideration.

                    IMO her selection as VP is a ploy to snatch up the conservative and evangelical voting base that McCain cannot woo.
                    Yeah, you're right. We should all be voting 3rd party this year!
                    :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                    • #11
                      I'm to scared :hide: to vote independant! The O.B. ticket is too crazy to take the chance IMHO (nObama just can't get away from the B.O./O.B. thing can he?) I never thought nObama would find someone that is more anti-gun than he is!

                      BTW, I loved both of those speaches last night! and this morning there was a poll on ch7 news, did you like Palin's speech? it was a:Yes, b:No, and c:don't know... it SHOULD have been: a:Yes, b:No and c: Present ! :devil:
                      :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


                      • #12
                        Happy as a clam in mud at high tide!

                        We finally have someone to supercharge to Republican party, Washington and our country. Sarah Palin is real, and has more executive experience than Obama. Palin is not even running for president. I am happy with McCain's pick and there is nothing wrong with good strategy.

                        I have never agreed with everything any presidential candidate believes, but I believe we should choose the best choice for our country. He will continue to keep our country safe, Obama is a soicalist, Ron Paul unfortunately won't get the votes, and the votes R.P. does get will be lost to B.O.

                        Once McCain/ Palin are in office, be sure, I will write them about Global warming not exsisting and stopping Illegal immigration. I do not want to suffer for any length of time with B.O.
                        Best, Max7
                        "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                        • #13
                          Great ... leave it to the Republicans to find a complete whack job to try to stick into the Whitehouse again. Yes to guns and No to rubbers? WTF? How does that make ANY sense and why would anyone in their right mind vote for such a platform?

                          I mean seriously ... is it really that hard to find a candidate that will not try to tell people how to live their lives and actually protect individual freedoms (the freedom to choose being probably the most fundamental -- I know I know guns are good but I'd probably put them at #2 )?

                          I used to respect the Republican party trying to portray themselves as the party of the "heros" (McCain being a definitely great choice) ... but after Bush, and now with Palin with a pregnant unmarried 17-year old, it's starting to look a lot like the White Trash party and it's just very sad.
                          Last edited by seapahn; 09-04-08, 05:02 PM.
                          03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
                          "Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by seapahn View Post
                            Great ... leave it to the Republicans to find a complete whack job to try to stick into the Whitehouse again. Yes to guns and No to rubbers? WTF? How does that make ANY sense and why would anyone in their right mind vote for such a platform?

                            I mean seriously ... is it really that hard to find a candidate that will not try to tell people how to live their lives and actually protect individual freedoms (the freedom to choose being probably the most fundamental -- I know I know guns are good but I'd probably put them at #2 )?

                            I used to respect the Republican party trying to portray themselves as the party of the "heros" (McCain being a definitely great choice) ... but after Bush, and now with Palin with a pregnant unmarried 17-year old, it's starting to look a lot like the White Trash party and it's just very sad.
                            I am also Pro Choice, I agree with you on that. But white trash, I do not agree. She has a family like everyone else's, and that is what Americans will relate to, and appreciate.
                            Best, Max7
                            "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                            • #15
                              If we vote for the lesser of two evils ... we will have, well, evil.
                              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:

