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Just have to vent...


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  • Just have to vent...

    Some thoughts on Mr. Obama's brilliant energy plan...

    Another prominent feature in the plan: Immediately give every working family in America a $1,000 energy rebate and pay for it from oil company profits.

    This is nothing more than a ploy to [edit]buy[/edit] votes and it will not fix the economy. The reason oil companies report such high earnings is because they move a lot of product. see links...

    The average net profit margin for the S&P Energy sector, according to figures from Thomson Baseline, is 9.7%.

    Pfizer, the world's number-one drug company, had a profit margin of 26% of sales.

    Believes oil companies should drill on the 68 million acres they have access to but haven't used and would require oil companies that will not drill to give up their leases.

    Ever wonder why there isn't a booming timber industry in mojave??? (answer:there aren't any trees!!!) see link...

    not all oil and gas leases are “being used”, because not all of them have production-worthy quantities of oil or gas.

    Calls for a reduction of carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050 by using a market-based cap-and-trade system. Would create what his campaign calls a "Global Energy Forum" and re-engage with the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    It's just not true, and who needs a global forum anyway!?!? see links...

    temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years.

    do you believe global warming is over?
    Last edited by blkTJ; 08-25-08, 09:27 PM. Reason: wording

    "in the end... the rocks always win."

  • #2
    I bet McCains ideas are shockingly close to the same. This country is doomed if we don't start waking up to the propaganda and lies. Awesome post, Brian.
    :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


    • #3
      what do you want us to do sarah? start a rebellion? there is not enough people to care about the government screwing us. If there is they are too scared.
      Ford Raptor 6.2l


      • #4
        So, so you think you can tell
        Heaven from Hell,
        Blue skys from pain.
        Can you tell a green field
        From a cold steel rail?
        A smile from a veil?
        Do you think you can tell?

        And did they get you to trade
        Your heros for ghosts?
        Hot ashes for trees?
        Hot air for a cool breeze?
        Cold comfort for change?
        And did you exchange
        A walk on part in the war
        For a lead role in a cage?

        How I wish, how I wish you were here.
        We're just two lost souls
        Swimming in a fish bowl,
        Year after year,
        Running over the same old ground.
        What have we found?
        The same old fears.
        Wish you were here.

        -Pink Floyd

        I think they did.
        That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post
          what do you want us to do sarah? start a rebellion? there is not enough people to care about the government screwing us. If there is they are too scared.
          Dig a little deeper...
          [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
          [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


          • #6
            You wanna send a message? go out and buy a gun. Obama has a message of 'change' and that 'change' is to subdue the American people. He is anti-gun and anti-citizen. You want Obama appointing Chief Justices to the Supreme Court? what about all the Federal Judges that he will appoint? In the midst of this Oil fiasco, the Judgement against Exxon for the Valdese spill gets slashed down to less than a week of net profit. When the original award was given it was based on a full YEAR's net profit. This is the governmant protecting Buisness and screwing the people! Every law that passes is another limitation of our freedom. Smoking, Cell Phones, Salt for water softeners, Lead Bullets, Incandescent Light bulbs, Fast food... California leads this country down the Nanny-State lane! If the Equal marriage thing gets passed, expect your pastor to go to jail if he discriminates between the people he marries...

            Here I am workin' for the Man... I need a :beer:
            Last edited by Kodiak Spirit; 08-26-08, 09:53 AM.
            :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


            • #7
              Jesse, while you are at it, pour me a :beer: also!

              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
              MJR moderator
              MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
              Jeep Patrol Leader
              Reforestation Supervisor
              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
              Eagle Scout


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post
                what do you want us to do sarah? start a rebellion? there is not enough people to care about the government screwing us. If there is they are too scared.
                YOU BET! I'm ready!

                There may not be enough people "to care" just yet, but trust me, the numbers are growing - and quickly. People know their checkbooks are hurting now, and it seems that once you introduce them to WHY they are hurting, it's super easy to get fired up about it. The mainstream media is hiding the roots of our problems. I mean, have you bought any staple foods lately!? Holy crap!!

                :gun: Bring it on!!
                :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                • #9
                  :gun: Staple foods...! :2: Don't tell Rat Patrol, :wink: but I just herd that Agave fields in mexico are being ripped up to grow CORN! :mad: Buy yer Tequila now my friends, the price is gonna go nutz! :shout:

                  Roger, :beer: I can make that happen! :beer:
                  :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:

