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Originally posted by HIGLET Of course they are. all this big talk then no show, just watch. They will let down the entire international Jeeping community.
You have to drive over the V-notch the correct way.Judges will decide who was the cleanest through the notch.
Round 2. Trusty spotter
Each driver is blindfolded and has to be directed by a spotter they choose threw or over an obsticle.The driver that gets threw or over the course the fastest gets 3 points.
Round 3. SLOW RACE
Jeeps are put in their lowest gear(other than reverse)and are lined up side by side to other jeeps in the race.No brakes and no turning of the wheel,just a straight line drag race.Only the slowest jeep wins.The last jeep across the line is the winner and recieves 3 points.
Particpants if they choose to accept; blkTJ(brian),dukes69(chris), and HIGLET(sean).