Where were all these anti-oil people that want to block the offshore oil rigs when Exxon got away with destroying the Alaskan coast and paying *nothing* to be able do so!?
I am so pissed! the monetary award that should have been paid 20 years ago has been reduced from $5,000,000,000 (5 Billion) to just 500 mil!
20% of the claimants have died in that 20 year time!
19% of the award will go to the lawyers!
Al Gore has no comment? hello?
Arnold? cat got yer toungue?
Now people are coming out of the woodwork to keep "big oil" from drilling off the coast "in case" it ruins the coastline... HELLO! Exxon allready ruined the coastline! and friggin' got away with it!
They just set the precendent, so when the oil spill is along the california coast, they can just bring up this case and say, "hmm, what was the ruling? ok, lets adjust that award... down to 10%.... and we'll pay it when we feel like it, say in 20 years or so.."
you know what the difference to me is?
instead of putting $30,000- away for EACH (EACH!)of my three kids for colledge, since they can't be fishermen like their Grandad was (or I was gonna be), maybe I will pay off a credit card an buy a new gun...
instead of $160,000 I am looking at $7,500.
That's fair right? my Dad would have gotten the money but he didn't live to see it...
Thanx for letting me vent. The treehuggers have done me no favors AGAIN.
I am so pissed! the monetary award that should have been paid 20 years ago has been reduced from $5,000,000,000 (5 Billion) to just 500 mil!
20% of the claimants have died in that 20 year time!
19% of the award will go to the lawyers!
Al Gore has no comment? hello?
Arnold? cat got yer toungue?
Now people are coming out of the woodwork to keep "big oil" from drilling off the coast "in case" it ruins the coastline... HELLO! Exxon allready ruined the coastline! and friggin' got away with it!
They just set the precendent, so when the oil spill is along the california coast, they can just bring up this case and say, "hmm, what was the ruling? ok, lets adjust that award... down to 10%.... and we'll pay it when we feel like it, say in 20 years or so.."
you know what the difference to me is?
instead of putting $30,000- away for EACH (EACH!)of my three kids for colledge, since they can't be fishermen like their Grandad was (or I was gonna be), maybe I will pay off a credit card an buy a new gun...
instead of $160,000 I am looking at $7,500.
That's fair right? my Dad would have gotten the money but he didn't live to see it...
Thanx for letting me vent. The treehuggers have done me no favors AGAIN.