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Newest MJR HAM's

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  • #16
    Congratulations everyone on getting your ham tickets. It's hard waiting for your call sign isn't it?

    I'd like to throw out an option you may not know about or have not considered. It may fall into the arm and leg category but I got the Kenwood D710A and have it connected to my GPS. It has built in capability for APRS, automatic packet relay system. Also does cross band repeating.

    It will transmit my position from the GPS on a dedicated APRS VHF frequency where it is received by remote repeaters then it is placed on the internet. Other mobiles can also receive the information if they are appropriately equipped as well.

    Once on the internet my position can be accessed and plotted on a map at the website While it ties up the VHF side of the radio, I can easily turn it on and off when I want to talk voice on VHF.

    My wife can find my last location if I turn up missing. Also handy when she wants to know how close I am to home so she can start chilling the wine.

    My last trip is plotted here: Can you tell where I was?

    "They look Friendly" G. Custer


    • #17
      Originally posted by Deepwater View Post
      Congratulations everyone on getting your ham tickets. It's hard waiting for your call sign isn't it?
      Yeah, It's only been a day for me, and a week for Rick & Sarah. I can't imagine what it was like back when you had to wait 4-6 weeks for the FCC to send you a hard copy!

      Originally posted by Deepwater View Post
      I'd like to throw out an option you may not know about or have not considered. It may fall into the arm and leg category but I got the Kenwood D710A and have it connected to my GPS. It has built in capability for APRS, automatic packet relay system. Also does cross band repeating.

      It will transmit my position from the GPS on a dedicated APRS VHF frequency where it is received by remote repeaters then it is placed on the internet. Other mobiles can also receive the information if they are appropriately equipped as well.

      Once on the internet my position can be accessed and plotted on a map at the website While it ties up the VHF side of the radio, I can easily turn it on and off when I want to talk voice on VHF.

      My wife can find my last location if I turn up missing. Also handy when she wants to know how close I am to home so she can start chilling the wine.
      Does look like a nice radio, but it is a little rich for my blood. What I wonder though is can I add a TNC (or something) to a Yaesu 8800/8900r if I get one of those, because the ability to have the arps working would be really cool. I might try to wait a little while longer to see if I can get enough pennies saved to get a radio like that Kenwood D710A. Thanks for the input!

      Originally posted by Deepwater View Post
      My last trip is plotted here: Can you tell where I was?
      Bullfrog? Hammerdown? Cakewalk? I didn't zoom in at the "end", but out to JV.
      If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?

      Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


      • #18

        I hope to join the ranks myself at some point!

        "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


        • #19
          Matermomma = KJ6FYZ
          Materdaddy = KJ6FZA

          We beat Rick & Sarah to the FCC's ULS database!
          If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?

          Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


          • #20
            Originally posted by Materdaddy View Post
            Matermomma = KJ6FYZ
            Materdaddy = KJ6FZA

            [COLOR=red]Unfortunately,[/COLOR]We beat Rick & Sarah to the FCC's ULS database![COLOR=red] They are so much more deserving.[/COLOR]
            I fixed it for you.

            Congratulations to you both on getting your license! We're sure gaining a lot more Jeepin' MJR Hams.
            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
            MJR moderator
            MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
            Jeep Patrol Leader
            Reforestation Supervisor
            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
            Eagle Scout


            • #21
              Originally posted by Roger View Post
              I fixed it for you.

              Congratulations to you both on getting your license! We're sure gaining a lot more Jeepin' MJR Hams.
              Hey, what's that supposed to mean Roger?

              They did pass their tests a week before us, and they have equipment already! I'm still trying to figure that out. I'll be on echolink soon hopefully (Their database isn't synced with the FCCs currently), and will be able to listen in for a while. I should be getting at least a 2m radio on the 19th so we can get on the air!
              If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


              Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


              • #22
                I wonder if it has anything do do with the VEs. Maybe they are lagging on the paperwork?
                Those left standing
                Will make millions
                Writing books on ways
                It should have been
                -Incubus "Warning"


                • #23
                  HAHAHA @ ROGER.... LMAO!

                  Yes, we are still waiting. Our VEs mailed them in, and I'm guessing Mat's e-filed. I guess that's what I get for living in the 'sticks

                  And no worries, I have spent many an hour this week refreshing the database LOL Do they have an app for that?
                  :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by sarah View Post
                    HAHAHA @ ROGER.... LMAO!

                    Yes, we are still waiting. Our VEs mailed them in, and I'm guessing Mat's e-filed. I guess that's what I get for living in the 'sticks

                    And no worries, I have spent many an hour this week refreshing the database LOL Do they have an app for that?
                    Yes they do. Well you can serarch QRZ. There are a few apps but I only use the free ones. =D
                    Those left standing
                    Will make millions
                    Writing books on ways
                    It should have been
                    -Incubus "Warning"


                    • #25
                      Congrats KJ6GAB KJ6GAC!
                      If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                      Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Materdaddy View Post
                        Congrats KJ6GAB KJ6GAC!
                        Thx Its cool that they're together!
                        :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                        • #27
                          Mike, that ARPS setup is pretty cool. I'm going to have to sit down with you at some point and learn up my HAMness. I've been a HAM for 2 years, but have not spent the time to learn it adequately. And, I'd like to tune my system. Last year I had a hard time picking up Russ while at Rubicon Springs.
                          Off road adventure photography:

                          TreadLightly Trainer
                          Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
                          HAM - KI6PFO

                          2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


                          • #28
                            I made contact with Roger today on Quartzite Mtn. My first transmission!
                            Thanks, Roger, and everyone on this board who helped get us to this point. You rock!
                            Last edited by sarah; 03-15-10, 04:58 PM.
                            :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                            • #29
                              Hey Sarah, Congrats on becomming a HAM. Too cool that Roger was your first QSO. 73, W9ECV.
                              Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by nwoods View Post
                                Mike, that ARPS setup is pretty cool. I'm going to have to sit down with you at some point and learn up my HAMness. I've been a HAM for 2 years, but have not spent the time to learn it adequately. And, I'd like to tune my system. Last year I had a hard time picking up Russ while at Rubicon Springs.
                                Hi Nathan,

                                I'm a newbie at this ham stuff, just got my ticket late last year. Been listening a lot and learning. The APRS was pretty easy to set up on my radio, but other than that it is the basics for me as well.

                                "They look Friendly" G. Custer

