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A few fun cameras of mine, since there's a camera & photography section I figure some of yall might enjoy seeing these! I've got more, but these are the interesting ones
Professional photographer? no. My line of work is visual effects. Photography is just my way of having fun on the side Though i have done alot of digital photography at work in the passed.
Great work man! You can sure see the difference in photos taken with those vintage cameras. Nice stuff.
Yes, film and old lenses really do seem to have a 'look' that's hard to capture with digital. I do have some 50+ year old lenses that I use on my digital cameras that give a nice look, but it's hard to beat the feel of a big sheet of film
It's not that difficult, just requires a bit more time. I don't even have a darkroom anymore in my place, I just develop film in my kitchen sink with daylight tanks and a dark changing tent. Not nearly as quick as digital, but not really all that hard for B&W film.