I broke a rear spring recently, and the MFR is sending me out two new ones so that I match (and this is after their warranty expired - AEV is totally cool). I've never done a spring swap before. It seems pretty straightforward, but last time I thought that, I ended up in the hospital. So....
What is the process?
Tools I have:
1. 48" HiLift jack
2. 3 ton sears floor jack (only goes up about 19" or so), with two jack stands
3. Bunch of ratchet straps
4. Basic (barely!) household tools
Do I need a spring compressor?
What is the best way to get my rear end way up there so that I can swap in new springs?
Here is the culprit:
What is the process?
Tools I have:
1. 48" HiLift jack
2. 3 ton sears floor jack (only goes up about 19" or so), with two jack stands
3. Bunch of ratchet straps
4. Basic (barely!) household tools
Do I need a spring compressor?
What is the best way to get my rear end way up there so that I can swap in new springs?
Here is the culprit:
