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Only failures I've had (in about 15 years?) is the small lines to the air horn and interior gauge. Re-did the line the first time, carry a 1/4" plug that I used the second.
Amazing! I hope I have the same success as you! I've had mine on for a few months, and so far so good. I do have leaks, because I have to run the pump daily to keep it up to pressure, but they're slow, and I'm lazy. I'll look for them some day when I run out of things to do on the Jeep!
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
I had to use my OBA this evening on a bicycle at a friends house and it had not been run in at least a month, maybe two. I swear, the compressor cycled off in only two or three seconds indicating it was still highly pressurized.
The Geezer Jeep: http://www.greentractortalk.com/jerryb/index.htm