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Ooooh I gotta find one of those things locally... thanks for the tip!!
It'd probably be a lot easier just to get a standard 2.5 gallon air tank easily found online or at any well stocked 4x4 store. They're not that much $$$ and they will have more bungs for all the fittings you'll be threading into the tank.
The Geezer Jeep: http://www.greentractortalk.com/jerryb/index.htm
I found york 210L that seems to be a good deal will this mount up to my '79 304?
I recommend just getting ahold of Brad Kilby (818-565-5945) and seeing what he can do for you in terms of a mount. If the 304 came with A/C that year, there's a chance you may be able to use that. You could always fab up a mount at home if you have the means.
Also, depending on the type of belt you use, I'm sure Brad has a replacement pully if your york comes with the wrong one.
[COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]
I bought my double pulley and bracket from Brad - the rest came from McFaddendale Hardware, a few pieces from Home Depot.
If you're going to piece one together, make a _complete_ list of everything you'll need, and draw a diagram. With fuel at almost $4 a gallon, running around to save money won't last very long after a few trips
You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!
I'd say buy the new little ARB compressor and use it for its inteneded purpose (running the lockers). Then set up a secondardy OBA system, seperate from the lockers.
I'd say buy the new little ARB compressor and use it for its inteneded purpose (running the lockers). Then set up a secondardy OBA system, seperate from the lockers.
Is that because of reliability or simplicity? Or does the belt driven system have some problems running the lockers?
Is that because of reliability or simplicity? Or does the belt driven system have some problems running the lockers?
No, it's because ARB's compressor was never designed for the long duty cycles involved in airing up tires. Best to use the ARB compressor solely for its intended purpose and not add tire inflation duties or it won't be as reliable as a locker compressor should be.
On the other hand, a belt driven compressor is actually extremely reliable and is commonly set up to also power ARB air lockers. You only need to add a separate air pressure regulator to lower the pressure down to the 80 psi (IIRC) the air lockers require. And of course the electrically actuated air solenoids to control the lockers.
The Geezer Jeep: http://www.greentractortalk.com/jerryb/index.htm
is it common for people to run two systems like this. I'm all for redundancy for safety but I don't know if a want two whole systems to maintain and fix. I'd like to hear others thoughts. Thanks
I have a Thomas air pump. It the 1/3 hp. Have had it now for 4 years. Runs the ARB and the tires. Airs my tires and whoever I'm with who needs air. No issues yet. Fills a 35 in about 1.5 min when tire is at 10psi.
I ran a trail with a guy who rolled his own Power tank for under $150 bucks. I'm sorry I don't have links, but he got his C02 tank from a soda fountain supply store, found a regulator that fit and put together all the fittings. The soda fountain supply store refills for him, but he said he could get it done at a welding supply shop, too. I wish I had taken better notes.
P.S: I recall he said that beer distributors supply similar equipment for kegs.
Very sound advice. I made many drawings on paper, and even this cheezy hacked together one (using Kilby's images) to make sure I didn't forget a part:
Pretty much identical to my setup, I don't have a chuck under the hood (1 front, 1 rear), and I didn't see the need for a valve in the line to the tank. I have one additional line off the mainfold to the air horns
You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!
Pretty much identical to my setup, I don't have a chuck under the hood (1 front, 1 rear), and I didn't see the need for a valve in the line to the tank. I have one additional line off the mainfold to the air horns
Actually, Mine differs slightly than that now too. I actually never ended up putting the extra chuck under the hood. That one goes to MY air horn!
Also, the reason I have the valve to the tank is if the tank blows, or I bust it open on a rock, I can close the ball-valve and still air up my tires (if I had the chuck under the hood at the manifold, which I could easily add with spares I carry on the trail)!
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
Only failures I've had (in about 15 years?) is the small lines to the air horn and interior gauge. Re-did the line the first time, carry a 1/4" plug that I used the second.
You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!