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I stopped by his shop looking for a part on Friday and found that he is no longer there and doing work out of his home, according to the guys in his old location. Just a heads up for anyone else that wanted to go there.
Robyn and Jeff it's coming along nicely, looks like still quite a bit of work remains, before you hit the desert with it. On the bright side desert fun is a lil while of yet.
I've gone back through the last 170+ posts, and I wonder if you really needed to strip down your original Jeep like you did in your 11-19-2013 post because it seems to me that the only thing left from it is the hood
If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!
I've gone back through the last 170+ posts, and I wonder if you really needed to strip down your original Jeep like you did in your 11-19-2013 post because it seems to me that the only thing left from it is the hood
I was supposed to sell it. The builder had an opening open up so I didn't have time to sell it and buy a donor tub. If I would have waited it would have been about a year before he could have started the build. We used the grill, hood, windshield frame, hard doors, tub, about 4 feet of the frame and the factory hard top. I made some decent money parting it out!