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I have both for my LJ and with the hard top, it's like a car inside! I took it off by myself, once, and has never been on since! That LJ top is heavy, and hard to move around by yourself which is how everything around here seems to be, the soft top is very light, peels off in seconds with 2 screws so for me, aside from the extra noise (turn up the sterio)I like the soft top!
Looking to sell that hard top?
EdIt: LOL, I see that someone beat me too it.
Off road adventure photography:
TreadLightly Trainer
Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
I didn't know they were such a "hot item". I'm just going to keep it for now, never know when I might need to mellow out! Another thought came to mind, the hard top gets very hot inside during the summer, a good point is you don't have to worry about scratching the windows when you are in the trees! That wears off after the new plastic windows get "pinstriped" a few thousand times!
How about the "Viking top"? I like to run with the top off and with all the different places I go, a quick and easy top would be best.