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I had Daniel come by after work last night to fit the driver seat. The three inches I originally set the inner fenders back was not enough. I had to cut out all the work I did yesterday and redo the fenders. But somehow I managed to get 6 more girl inches out of it, so the seats sit way back now and there is very little intrusion into the wheel wells, so tire clearance during flex shouldn't be a problem.
Rear tabs were a bitch to get to so I modified the rear seat mount to make it easier to get to the bolts. And the resr seat bracket is adjustable too. Tub and seat mounts010 by MJR RAT, on Flickr
Seat sits back over 6 inches farther now. Even I can get in and out with ease. Tub and seat mounts012 by MJR RAT, on Flickr
Hey, you got that break looking pretty spiffy. Nice work on the seat set back!
What size dies do you have?
Amazing what a rattle can full of Ford Blue will do. I have dies for 1", 1.25", 1.50" and 1.75 already. 2" is next, but I need to get paid for a few projects first
Not sure I ever want to see another old CJ in my shop again. These old girls have a lot of issues. Took the better part of the day to remove enough corrosion to get welds to stick. But I got the fender push back completed and the seats installed. Replaced some of the old body support rails under the tub, where the seats and the B pillar land. The 1.75" die finally came so tomorrow I start the cage. Daniel is coming by again tonight so I can measure how high I need the cage to be to give him the head room he wants.
The passenger side has so much corrosion that I had a Hell of a time getting the welds to stick. Even with the mig turned almost to it's lowest setting I was still blowing holes through the base metal like a laser. Tub and seat mounts 1001 by MJR RAT, on Flickr
Got to sit in it tonight, and it feels like a real good driving position, quite noticably farther back and noticably lower than the factory seats. Oh and much more comfortable too, haha! I do like those seats, they are comfortable! Can't want to drive it :smile:
So my plan is to have a traditional retractable shoulder belt for daily driving, and then I'll work on getting a 4-5 point harness in there at a later date.
So my question about the shoulder belt though, since the B-pillar will meet the tub at the top of the fender well, instead of going all the way down to the floor like my TJ. I would just bolt the belt retractor to the base of the B-pillar (just above the top of the wheel well), and the top pivoting part of the belt farther up on the B-pillar?
This would put the retractor only around 2 feet or so farther down from the top pivoting part of the belt, where as on my TJ the retractor is all the way down by the floor instead of being up higher. The b-pillar will be pretty mugh straight up and down, so I think the retractor would work fine. Does this make any difference? Just curious.
Or are there any retracting belts that have the retractor that can be mounted up high on the B-pillar, without having to run it down the b-pillar?
The back seat belts of a TJ mount in the roll bar up on top of the wheel well. I think if you mount the front that high there will be too much belt on the reel when it is put away.
Oh, you are right, the rear belts mount like that! I'll pick up a set of rear retractor belts then, thanks! I wasn't even thinking about the rears on the TJ.
That could work. You will still need a mount for the belt on the lower left side but it will be easier than trying to fit the retractor down there. I am working on installing my 5 point harnesses today! The stock TJ belt is great for around town but I was getting tired of it's behavior on the trail.