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Will see what I'll come up with this coming weekend. Got some aluminum left. I like the one in my Jeep. Might just make something like that. Need to make a rack of sorts for the cooler too. Darn those lil things are killing me
KOH was fun, on to playing origamy. Got to do something with this axle. It got shaved, which is cool, but I feel it takes a lot of strenght out off the housing.
So I feel the need to give it a back bone of sorts, this has worked well for the D60 in front of my Jeep. Anyway on this axle the upper link mount is welded to the diff housing, yes it was preheated, just the same I am going to tie it to the axle tubes for added strength. Top plate gets a strip on top of it. Both plates will get tied together with some plates standing up. This got started now so I can figure out the location of the antirock mounts. Might as well do it all at once since things like to fight with one and another. Pic is taken at full droop so anti rock location is good will not invert at full droop
The rib on the back side, that goes over the diff cover, how is that gonna work? Is it getting welded to the housing, and just hope you never need to get into the diff cover? Or is it going to get bolted on somehow so that you can remove it?
I suggest gorilla glue, JB weld if you want to get fancy
Thje backbone will become a 3 piece affair one piece to left tube, center piece to diff cover, right piece to right tube. Center piece bolts to outer pieces, simple and effective. Has worked well on the front axle on my Jeep
This is kinda the idea I am after. Gonna see tomorrow if I can turn paper to steel. Thinking of 3/16" plate. Should be strong enough for my evil plans.