Well I finally ditched the the t-case drop, and got a Tera SYE kit and a tom woods cv drive shaft, and a set of adjustable uppercontrol arms, I was getting vibes with just the drop above 60mph both Accelerating and Dec. My upper arms came first, and I found my stock arms had shot bushings, so the new arms, helped the ride and got rid of all deceleration viberations, and slightly helped the others, Well since installing the SYE and drive shaft I cant seem to get rid of the viberations and they are worse, At first I did'nt have anything to get my angles So I eyeballed it. Then I used a slope Gauge that came with my Tomwoods shaft and my drive shaft and pinion were dead on 20*, Still getting vibes I lowered my pinion 3* as suggested, and I still get vibes, My control arms are also set exactly even. Any suggestions???? Lower arms are fixed so nothing can be adjusted there, which should'nt really matter. This is all kind of annyoning after dropping all that money on these parts.
