All righty, there are a lot of members on this board now so i figure someone can answer this for me.
when you break an axleshaft on the trail and you go to replace it...I would assume it breaks into two pieces. first off where do they normally break? somwhere in the tube near the diff, near the tires, in the middle? lets say it breaks in the middle of my non c clip axle or c clip(other than it falling off and the location of where it is held on) and i pull the part out that is connected to the wheel. how do i get the other half out? i dont think my hand would fit? a big long magnet? magic??
enlighten me please....i prob sound like a newbie! lol ohh well what can i say
when you break an axleshaft on the trail and you go to replace it...I would assume it breaks into two pieces. first off where do they normally break? somwhere in the tube near the diff, near the tires, in the middle? lets say it breaks in the middle of my non c clip axle or c clip(other than it falling off and the location of where it is held on) and i pull the part out that is connected to the wheel. how do i get the other half out? i dont think my hand would fit? a big long magnet? magic??
enlighten me please....i prob sound like a newbie! lol ohh well what can i say
