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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Some lame pics lol...i need to get on a real trail with some of you guys soon. My dad's taking the white jeep on Fordyce trail in two weekends...without me. Guess I'll have to drool at his pics while I'm studying for finals
Interesting thing about my silver jeep: I HAVE 7" of lift and no new driveshaft/sye No vibrations at all- drives smooth as butter. I don't know what's up with this.
Um, yea I had 31 MTRs on the silver jeep when i had the budget boost. Those worked great! Then I had 33 Dunlop Mud Rovers and those were way too soft. Now I have these 35 BFG Mud terrains and I love them. I just like how they get more miles than the MTRs.
The White jeep...I have 35 X-terrains for streets and the 36 IROKs on beadlocks for the trail.
Just went to Lake Isabella with some of the frat guys... found some sweet trails...went on snowmobile trails about 8 miles in to the forest. Great ruts and medium terrain.
I will post those pics soon once my buddy gives me them. Here is a poser pic .
I'm so down to hit up some trails with you guys now that I'm in the socal region.
Hey I haven't been on here for like 2 years. Glad to see the site is still pretty active.
Well, 2 years ago I had just put on my fabtech long arm lift on my TJ, but now I've done a little more to that one and also bought a rubicon. I'll always love my TJ cuz I built everything, but this rubicon kicks ass.
This has 33s on it, but now I've added spacers in the back springs and have ample room for serious flexing with my new 35 BFGs.
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