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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Thanks again. It has been a long process. But it paid of this weekend with the maiden voyage up in Big Bear on its first black diamond trail. Jeep did great. Have a few bugs to work out but it preformed awesome. No major breaks and I love the automatic. I actually saw a maroon Jeep with a My Jeep Rocks.com window sticker parked right before the rock garden. Any how thanks again and here are a few pics of the trip.
Welcome to MJR. Anytime you want to put some mountain pinstripes on that BEAUTIFUL restore you have, give a shout. I'm guessing you have somewhere around two thousand man hours in that baby. Now that's a labor of luv (and money).
Just found this site last week. Nice to have one where most everyone is local. I'm just finishing a frame off restoration on my 80 CJ7 (off course I will never be finished). Almost 2 years. Has a 99 Vortec 4.3L and 4L60E. There is way to much to list but almost everthing is brand new. Here is some before and after pics.
Before Side
After Side
Before Front
After Front
Before Back
After Back
Before Dash
After Dash
Before Engine
After Engine
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