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Rat Patrol, your ex could not possibly be as cold hearted as mine. We'll compare notes someday. I am willing to travel to get one if you know of something you'ld recommend so I'm not wasting my time. Around Omaha everything is thousands above Blue Book because every rich high schooler will have daddy pay whatever asking price is. I need a deal. $4000 is tops for me and I can't scrap my Stang, I love the car. Just doesn't move if there's snow on the ground. Nobody here seems too scary, just honest and straight forward.
Considering I used to spend my summers in Wilbur, NE - my first suggestion would be to move out of Nebraska
Typical answer to your question is....questions!
What type of wheeling do you want to do?
Can you wrench on your own rig?
Can you fabricate?
Is it going to be a daily driver too?
Is $4K your "get it in the driveway" or "all I can spend" budget?
Yep - I'm a PITA (that's what they pay me for!)
One of my x's is in Texas, the other is from North Bend, NE. That's why it snows there; she's a cold little b__ch. I say scrap the 'stang and get a real Jeep. 95 or older TJ, that's right old fart, I said TJ. FI 4.0. coils, you'll do fine. If you don't want to sell the pony and can only afford $4000. better shop smart. No 4 bangers. Everything old fart says is true (sans the YJ part) He be a smart Jeeper, so take his advice. CAn you tell I drive a TJ???
Are you willing to travel to buy one?
BTW, welcome to MJR. If we haven't scared you off yet you'll fit right in...
Alrigt, the Dana 35 is an "ok" axle depending on what you're doing with it. It won't turn, but it'll pull going straight, so you put em on the rear. The Dana 30 is what's usually put on the front. I'm not great with axles, motors are my thing, but I believe the Dana 30 is lighter? The U-joint...I'm just as lost as you. But he won't even need 31's. A GOOD set of some easy shed 29" Radials, with as much grip as you can get, all weather rated A/T's should get you through the snow...like I said. Motors are my thing, so sounding like an idiot on anything else is what I do ^.^
O.K. so nothing earlier than a 91'. All of those other names and numbers were Greek to me. I would just like to get a descent Wrangler for the winter and also to take out on sunny days in the summer with the top off. Old Fart are you saying Wranglers are not a real good 4x4 in the snow. My old 99 Explorer seemed to get through anything winter could throw at it here. Also, am I wrong in wanting to get the four cylinder, manual tranny? I'm not using it for anything hardcore.
Not sure I'd pick a stock jeep for deep snow. Anything in your price range is going to have a Dana 35 rear, and 260X u-joints on the front Dana 30, IME those aren't real good "load me heavy in the snow" components. If you stick with fairly small tires (31-32") you'll probably survive.
Welcome to the "newly happy divorced" Club, been there twice. Meetings are on Thursdays at the Denny's in Beatrice
All given - I'd look for as new of a YJ as you can get, forget anything earlier than 91 as you'll wind up with a carbureted 4.2, injected 4.0 is the way to go.
Anyway, What kind of jeep are you looking for?
A YJ, or an older TJ?
STOCK, you can get them down here for a decent price. My dad's '94 sold for like $5000, and it had 108K miles. Are you looking for more or what? I got my '91 YJ for $1500, but it had body damage.
Now I can understand moving out of Wilbur but, Omaha's not too bad. Well as far as Nebraska goes anyway. I've got young kids here and only 9 years to retirement so I'll have to stay for awhile.
Wheeling? Just normal street driving. I have a Mustang GT that's my baby and I need something for the winter. I could maybe do minor wrenching but safer to say probably not. Fabricate, that's a definate negative. Not so much a daily driver as a bad weather (deep snow) and maybe on some sunny days for fun. $4k is all I can spend right now. I'm a newly happily divorced guy and she got the 4x4, plus an assload of child support and alimony. After doing some checking, there are just no good deals around the Omaha area. So far the nicest thing I found was a 92 Wrangler in K.C. MO for $5600 and I'll need to talk him down if possible.
Considering I used to spend my summers in Wilbur, NE - my first suggestion would be to move out of Nebraska
Typical answer to your question is....questions!
What type of wheeling do you want to do?
Can you wrench on your own rig?
Can you fabricate?
Is it going to be a daily driver too?
Is $4K your "get it in the driveway" or "all I can spend" budget?
Hi everyone. This looks like a really nice forum to learn about Jeep stuff. I'm looking to buy an older Wrangler, preferably under $4,000, and man people ask alot for older models with alot of miles. Anyone have any suggestions? And I mean reasonable ones.
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