Hello all!
I just stumbled onto your web site and thought I'd say hello!
Looks like this site is pretty So Cal Located so I thought I give her a try! I'm pretty new to the Jeep world but have been watching for years! I grew up wheeling in Nor Cal.... Placerville so I've done the Rubi with my family several times! Then I moved to so cal and took up Glamis ......Well 30 + years worth! Over That! Now I'm getting back to the roots and going Wheelin again... Been to Big Bear twice now and did TDS , I'm Hooked.
anyway I'll post more about the Jeep later! SEE YA!

Looks like this site is pretty So Cal Located so I thought I give her a try! I'm pretty new to the Jeep world but have been watching for years! I grew up wheeling in Nor Cal.... Placerville so I've done the Rubi with my family several times! Then I moved to so cal and took up Glamis ......Well 30 + years worth! Over That! Now I'm getting back to the roots and going Wheelin again... Been to Big Bear twice now and did TDS , I'm Hooked.
anyway I'll post more about the Jeep later! SEE YA!