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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Hey wow I havent been on this forum for almost a year. Well, I just took it on Sourgrass near Arnold, California which was a pretty fun trail for my weak rig
2001 60th anniversary TJ 6" Fabtech Long Arm 35" BFG Mud terrain 2003 Rubicon Full Traction Long Arm lift/RE 7.5 springs/ 36" IROKs/Poison Spyder Cage
Lol yea i think we got some dust on the lens. I have a lot more pics that I'll post up later. Man I've been so busy this year with applying for college and other stuff...im glad im back. Get in to the jeep thing again. I'm pretty happy with my handywork and the lift...i still gotta fix a few things.
2001 60th anniversary TJ 6" Fabtech Long Arm 35" BFG Mud terrain 2003 Rubicon Full Traction Long Arm lift/RE 7.5 springs/ 36" IROKs/Poison Spyder Cage