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before you can post. If you're having trouble, please contact us. Happy trails!
Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
i think you are doing it right... BUT imge station does not allow hot linking any more. as the second post in the link i provided says.... try www.photobucket.com they DO allow hot linking. [free]
You need to change your URL tags ([url ] and [/url]) to image tags ([img] and [/img]). Using the url you posted, this is the result:
gotta love imagestation.
And, as Nailer mentioned, imagestation does not allow direct linking. There are several places that do, including the a-for mentioned photobucket.com, cardomain.com, webshots.com, etc.
Once you find a hosting site that allows direct linking, your photo posting troubles will disappear. Welcome to the site!
Thats a nice lookin jeep ya got there Uncle Don. Postin pics can be a pain, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy. Trust me. I tried 4 or 5 times in the test section trying to figure it out, I was about to give up too until nailer there told me about photobucket.com Then I just figured it out by messing around with it.
04 Rubicon
4.5" RE Super Flex
1" BL
CV Yoke w/ Driveshaft
Currie Anti-rock swaybar
35" el cheapos
Front Bumper & Rockers
LOL.......i forgot that there was a TEST section to use to get the bugs out....owell, when you are NEW to a new forum for the first time....things are a bit different....anyway, THANX guys for all of the help....... :thumbs_up