Hi everyone,just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Debbie(U-Jean) and I now have a Jeep of my own, a 1990 YJ with a 4 cyl. My husband Rich (4rheel) bought it for me for X-mas of 2009 for $500.00 bucks (sweat deal huh?), I love it!! It needed a little bit of work to get on the road, but we are off and running with it. Now we have two Jeeps....double the pleasure and double out of the wallet....we try to take turns with which Jeep will get new parts next.
Looking forward to the topless run to Bass Pro Shop this coming weekend and meeting with some new faces, until then hope everyone has a good week.:wink:
Looking forward to the topless run to Bass Pro Shop this coming weekend and meeting with some new faces, until then hope everyone has a good week.:wink:
