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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Hi all my name is Travis, currently deployed for about another week or so. I'm stationed in Hawaii, but heading to Ft. Irwin in Feb. I can't wait to get there and hit some trails. I look forward to meeting everyone.
Welcome to MJR! We have quite a few members that are stationed at Fort Irwin or work out there. You won't have any trouble making friends! Just look for the tricked out Jeeps with the <"MyJeepRocks.com"> decals!
BTW - Great looking Jeep you have.
SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
MJR moderator
MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
Jeep Patrol Leader
Reforestation Supervisor
Licensed Ham - n6ujm
Eagle Scout