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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Hello everyone, my name is Will. Im in the army,stationed at Ft. Irwin. CA. I drive an 02 Tj which im about to upgrade bigtime. I "plan"... to be off work for the callico run in march. I cant wait to meet and wheel with you guys.
Hi Will, welcome to the forum! Back in the day I worked with some EOD types, a few of whom had spent a lot of time at beautiful Fort Irwin. I'm hoping to make it to Calico too, so should meet you then.
Yeah it was a start but as we all know it never ends. Those baja claws have been nothing but trouble. Im going to be putting about 6,000 into it in a couple days. I cant wait. I saw the meet and greet on the calendar but im scheduled to be in the feild. I might not be going out though, i will find out by next week if i will be able to come.
hey man welcome i also work out at ft irwin i was stationed there and now work at the star wars building if you ever need any thing just holler looking forward to meeting you @ the IDTT event
[COLOR="YellowGreen"]"You cant fit 2 fingers in my tailpipe"[/COLOR]
Yeah 11th cav, im in kilo, the insurgents of the box for the rotations. Honestly... with kilo you wear a mandress more than the uniform. just cops and robers for a good cause really. I just wish i could get a one day pass to wheel in the box, just once, thats all i want. haha