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Anyone know some open trails in the Angeles?


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  • Anyone know some open trails in the Angeles?

    I just moved to Tujunga and I'm wondering if there's any open trails in those awesome mountains I see everyday.

    I found a couple spots that haven't yet been gated, like the Monte Cristo mine trail, Kagel Canyon, and Lynx Gulch. I'm wondering if anyone else knows some places that are still open.

  • #2
    Maybe Rincon trail is open.

    Is a cool trail for a while it is a fire road then gets tight and fun towards the end.

    Great for a local night run.
    Ford Raptor 6.2l


    • #3
      There's a few out there . . . It might be one that you mentioned . . . I think it's 4n24 or something and it goes from Upper Big Tujunga (or whatever the road that connects Little Tujunga with Hwy 2) all the way out to Acton . . . it's all very easy mostly service road type stuff. There's also some little trails up at the peak of Little Tujunga where the hang gliders launch from. Rowher should be opening up in a few months . . . that's the closest thing we have to a real trail. If you stop by the fire/ranger station on Little Tujunga, they have maps out front and last year at least they had cheezy little xerox copied maps that showed the trails out there. Let me know if you find anything cool out there, but for now your best bet is probably cruising about 45 mins up the 5 fwy to Miller Jeep Trail in Frazier Park.
      That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Schmo View Post
        There's a few out there . . . It might be one that you mentioned . . . I think it's 4n24 or something and it goes from Upper Big Tujunga (or whatever the road that connects Little Tujunga with Hwy 2) all the way out to Acton . . . it's all very easy mostly service road type stuff. There's also some little trails up at the peak of Little Tujunga where the hang gliders launch from. Rowher should be opening up in a few months . . . that's the closest thing we have to a real trail. If you stop by the fire/ranger station on Little Tujunga, they have maps out front and last year at least they had cheezy little xerox copied maps that showed the trails out there. Let me know if you find anything cool out there, but for now your best bet is probably cruising about 45 mins up the 5 fwy to Miller Jeep Trail in Frazier Park.
        There's a gate at both entrances to the hang glider spot now. Rumor I heard was that a landowner with property adjacent to the Kagel Truck Trail didn't like traffic from the trail wandering onto his land. Would have been nice if he actually closed his gate or maybe posted his own land rather than prodding the forest service to block public land, but oh well. There was a ton of really nifty spots up there that could challenge just about any rig.

        I think I'm going to try the trail to Acton this weekend. Looks like there's a lot of logging roads back on the north side of the mountains.

        Thanks for the tips, everyone!


        • #5
          I've done a lot of uninformed (that's un-informed, not uniformed) trail running around there. Most of the "trails" are left over fragments of paved roads from the 1930's that ran all through there. There are lots of trails, but lots of gates. You need to obtain a gate key from the Rangers and will need a good reason for having one. My friends reason was "Its public land, I'm Johhny Q Public" and they gave him a key?
          Off road adventure photography:

          TreadLightly Trainer
          Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
          HAM - KI6PFO

          2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


          • #6
            One loop I like to do is Lynx Gulch to Mill Creek Summit, then paved Mt. Gleason to Bear Trap Cyn down to (forget the trail name/number) near Aliso Cyn, West to Moody Cyn then up to Mt. Gleason again. 99% of this is 2wd, but nice to play around!


            • #7
              Originally posted by SAR Jeeper View Post
              One loop I like to do is Lynx Gulch to Mill Creek Summit, then paved Mt. Gleason to Bear Trap Cyn down to (forget the trail name/number) near Aliso Cyn, West to Moody Cyn then up to Mt. Gleason again. 99% of this is 2wd, but nice to play around!
              That sounds like a good ride.

              Similar topic - do the MJR forum folks ever do trail runs in the Angeles after getting the keys? I've seen pictures from people who did the rincon shortcut after getting the NFS to unlock the gate.


              • #8
                when I did the rincon trail last year. They gave me the combos and unlocked them passed thru and I locked them back up.
                Ford Raptor 6.2l


                • #9
                  The Rincon Trail requires that you stop by an Angeles Ranger station to get the code for the gates. Take your tag and registration for the 4WD vehicle that you plan to take on the trail: they ask less questions...

                  My experience so far is that the Angeles Forest doesn't like OHV at all. Unless you are willling to pay to play at the San Gabriel Cyn OHV or the Little Rock OHV you will never get out of 2WD.

                  The San Bernardino Forest is FAR more OHV friendly.

                  I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                  Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Malachi View Post
                    you will never get out of 2WD.
                    Truely, a very sad comment...
                    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                    [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                    • #11
                      I got out of work late last night and felt like a drive, so I headed up to Mill Creek summit to see if stuff was gated (Open!). I'll bet if you tried to come up from Aliso Cyn after some rain or snow, you'd need 4wd.
                      Maybe this winter I'll get up there in some mud & ice and do some classic new england style wheeling (native east-coaster here)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mcneil View Post
                        I got out of work late last night and felt like a drive, so I headed up to Mill Creek summit to see if stuff was gated (Open!). I'll bet if you tried to come up from Aliso Cyn after some rain or snow, you'd need 4wd.
                        Maybe this winter I'll get up there in some mud & ice and do some classic new england style wheeling (native east-coaster here)
                        I thought the Angeles forest closes off roads during winter. Maybe it was only Rincon.
                        Ford Raptor 6.2l


                        • #13
                          Rincon was closed most of the summer due to SCE putting in some power lines. Be sure and call the ranger before you drive up there to make sure it is now open.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bruce p View Post
                            Rincon was closed most of the summer due to SCE putting in some power lines. Be sure and call the ranger before you drive up there to make sure it is now open.
                            the ranger up there told me there was some installation stuff going on on the other side near hwy 2 like you say, then there was a landslide during the winter months. last time i checked which i think was last month, it was still closed.


                            • #15
                              Rowher should be reopening here pretty soon.
                              That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

