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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Hey everyone my name is Tom from N.J. I like to gather info from jeepaholics acrossed the country. I'm a member of Grass Roots Jeep Club Feel free to check out our site grassrootsjeepclub.com we just had our 1st annaverary.
Well, since I hail from there, I just gotta do it.... So, You from Jersey? I'm from Jersey!!
Born in Red Bank, lived many places over the years and ended up back in Medford, NJ where I graduated from HS at Lenape HS in 87. Moved out to Cali 20 years ago. The pics sure bring back memories of the area.
First sorry for the spelling ( anniversary )The mud shots were taken at Wharton State Forest. The rock shot were taken at Rausch Creek offroad park in P.A. I like the rocks better it just takes 2.5 hrs to get there.