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Speaking of grub at the BBQ, Dr dirty's chili came in 2nd place!! Oh and my double chocolate cake came in 2nd also. (I know what you're thinkin' Mitch, yes, I made it myself...
SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
MJR moderator
MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
Jeep Patrol Leader
Reforestation Supervisor
Licensed Ham - n6ujm
Eagle Scout
Speaking of grub at the BBQ, Dr dirty's chili came in 2nd place!! Oh and my double chocolate cake came in 2nd also. (I know what you're thinkin' Mitch, yes, I made it myself...
I would love to be a part of this crew.....I live so far away..I can't promise to make it every time. Does that work or not?? I don't like to commit to anything half mass...but it's the best I can do living around 4 hours away. It's a haul and a decent hit in my wallet. I'm just a little person in my chain of command. I keep playing that lotto!!
Looks like I'm going to be able to make Oct 22nd, and may possibly bring a friend as well. Looking forward to getting dirty and meeting you guys!
Thanks for the information on the Adopt-A-Trail program and efforts by MJR members. I was under the impression the AAT was a program strictly run by the forest service. Good to know the FS has vetted organized groups to put their own effort into such an important aspect of our sport.
I read through the links that Sarah referenced above and have taken steps to join the AAT. I hope to be able to contribute on the next work days/projects.
Thanks for the information on the Adopt-A-Trail program and efforts by MJR members. I was under the impression the AAT was a program strictly run by the forest service. Good to know the FS has vetted organized groups to put their own effort into such an important aspect of our sport.
I read through the links that Sarah referenced above and have taken steps to join the AAT. I hope to be able to contribute on the next work days/projects.
Great news. We have a work day this weekend. Come join us.
how early in advance do yall schedule the work days? (or is that scheduled by the Forest Service?) I'm busy this weekend, but I do want to participate in future work days :-)
how early in advance do yall schedule the work days? (or is that scheduled by the Forest Service?) I'm busy this weekend, but I do want to participate in future work days :-)
We do our own scheduling most of the time. Sometimes they are scheduled well in advanced and sometimes they are a last minute thing. Currently the one this weekend is the only one scheduled.
how early in advance do yall schedule the work days? (or is that scheduled by the Forest Service?) I'm busy this weekend, but I do want to participate in future work days :-)
The way this works for the most part is you get invited out to see what we're doing and what your in for. After that once your inducted into the crew a thread will become available to members only and that's when you'll see the workday postings and as Chuck said sometimes there last minute. We've found in the past if you schedule them it too far in advance members will sign up then cancel, not always but often. At this point you just need to keep on the main guys, myself, Chuck, Kurt and a few others (and Sarah of course) are main contacts. For legal reasons until your on the Forest Service roster you can participate as a guest. Keep in touch, your time will come and I can promise you will have a good time. Bring your camera.
It was so great to put faces to screen names and meet all you guys! Holcomb is one of my favorite trails in Big Bear and it feels awesome to be able to play a small part in maintaining it and doing what I can for this sport I eat, sleep and breathe. Thanks for having me out and I'm already looking forward to the next one!
Thanks for posting this Kurt, and thanks to everyone who has played such a vital role in keeping trails open, or getting them reopened. If I'm able to make it in town for the next cleanup or what not I will happily help out. I'm really wanting to run Holcomb, it looks like a great trail, and I want to experience all the hard work that was put into it.
Thanks for posting this Kurt, and thanks to everyone who has played such a vital role in keeping trails open, or getting them reopened. If I'm able to make it in town for the next cleanup or what not I will happily help out. I'm really wanting to run Holcomb, it looks like a great trail, and I want to experience all the hard work that was put into it.
Yep, gotta come run Holcomb. It's a sweet trail even with all the fire damage. Once you see the area you begin to realize just how close we were to losing it for good, and the amount of work it took to get it back. I don't think I've ever seen a group of people with absolutely no expectation of monitary compensation work so hard to get something done (we work for free, SBNF slaves) We couldn't do this without all the support we get here at MJR and from other clubs.