Hello there everyone! Well, to say the least for my very first organized event this was a heck of an experience. As far as the trail description goes it was an extreme tour, with the Siberian Express ventured into areas where a track has not been broken. The tour continued as far as safe driving conditions permitted and vehicles were able to travel. Most drivers including myself were comfortable with deep snow driving and all participants were prepared for exposure to extreme weather conitions. My 1971 Chevy C-10 4X4 and a 1970 Jeep Kaiser Pickup were the only full sized rigs on the run. Our group was the last one back to the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley Ca. for the end of a very long day. To anyone whom assisted me on the run, my very best wishes and thanks go out to all. Special Thanks to my good pal Bret for being familier with the country.
Take Care and Be Good To Yourselve's,
Take Care and Be Good To Yourselve's,