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Cleghorn to BB Lake


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  • Cleghorn to BB Lake

    I know this late late notice on a family holiday, but I am doing a test run on the listed trails tomorrow morning, starting at Cleghorn trailhead. Any takers should be at the Micky D's off the 15 at Cleghorn by 730a. If anyone is in BB tomorrow shout out on channel 4 and lets hook up. If not, everyone have a killer 4th, and be safe.
    Da Rat
    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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  • #2
    Great Idea

    I can't do it on the 3rd but i'm REALLY wanting to do an epic run like that. I would only add an additional leg at the end to take you off the mountain and down to Yucca Valley.

    Let me know how it went, and how many hours it took. I'd like to do that run later in the summer. Sweet idea!!!

    2000 TJ Sport, 3 spd auto
    4.5" RE LA, 35" MTR


    • #3

      I did that run about a month ago. There really is two trails. One is basically a fire road the is a series of V notches. I believe the origonal fire road that has been severally eroded from runoff. The v's are very deep and there are points were a spotter is needed in my opinion. Good luck.


      • #4
        Originally posted by TDS SD
        I did that run about a month ago. There really is two trails. One is basically a fire road the is a series of V notches. I believe the origonal fire road that has been severally eroded from runoff. The v's are very deep and there are points were a spotter is needed in my opinion. Good luck.
        George, thanks for heads up, I'll be careful. Have a great 4th!
        [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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        • #5
          Originally posted by STORMTROOPER
          I can't do it on the 3rd but i'm REALLY wanting to do an epic run like that. I would only add an additional leg at the end to take you off the mountain and down to Yucca Valley.

          Let me know how it went, and how many hours it took. I'd like to do that run later in the summer. Sweet idea!!!

          I'll post up a trail report. Don't know about pics, but I'll try. Yeah, I'd like to run with you guys again, had a blast at Corral Canyon. If I have time I may just run down to yucca Valley, got a buddy out there I haven't seen for a few months. Thanks.
          [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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          • #6
            Hey Rat, when i was talking to you on the cb i was in my driveway at home. I wish i was there .



            • #7
              Originally posted by 4XINT.J.
              Hey Rat, when i was talking to you on the cb i was in my driveway at home. I wish i was there .

              Mike, Nice cement driveway but what happend to the rock garden....MATT
              "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


              • #8
                It's still there.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 4XINT.J.
                  Hey Rat, when i was talking to you on the cb i was in my driveway at home. I wish i was there .

                  You missed a torrential downpour on John Bull. It went from dusty to mega slippery in ten minutes. And I was topless. Its gonna take a week to clean to mud out
                  Lets go back and do that run sometime, it was great!
                  Happy 4th,
                  [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by STORMTROOPER
                    I can't do it on the 3rd but i'm REALLY wanting to do an epic run like that. I would only add an additional leg at the end to take you off the mountain and down to Yucca Valley.

                    Let me know how it went, and how many hours it took. I'd like to do that run later in the summer. Sweet idea!!!

                    Well lets try this again. I wrote this report, clicked post, and it dissapeared into the Etherworld...

                    Steve, it took 11 hours 30 minutes from Cleghorn trailhead to the lake entrance of Gold Mountain, apprx. 89 miles, only 15 or so on pavement.

                    Cleghorn was uneventful, really easy, but has a few features I wouldn't try, they look way diffcult. Definitely a group thing. But I'd never run that trail so it was nice to see new terrain.
                    Coming off Cleghorn at the 138 I jumped across to Pilot Rock. I've been here a number of times, and again, no problems.
                    I headed up to Arrowhead on the hwy and got to the water crossing at Dishpan around 10a. They have closed the parking area East of the bridge for repairs? Met a group of wheelers (4 Broncs and Jeep) at the bottom of the water fall. They were coming down, I was going up. Way cool group of people, the Bronc guys spotted me up the fall, no probs. The rest of Dishpan was uneventful except I helped a quad get unstuck. Don't ask...
                    Coming off Dishpan, i ran straight for Holcom as the clouds were looking ominous, and thunder rolled through the canyons. Got to Holcomb (West trail head) and found the gate keeper totally dismantled. Someone there said Hollywood was shooting a movie up there and moved the rocks? Anyone heard this??? Bulls#@t I say. Anyway, met some more Bronc and jeeps coming down, chatted for while and moved on. Followed some horses (the original 4 wheelers) all along the trail, it was cool to see how easy they handle the trail. And thier fuel costs are CHEAP? I almost slipped off the trail a couple of times cuz of all the horse s#%t though... No probs on Holomb. At the East end I met Bob and Joy from Escondido. They are in a new TJ and wanted to run Holcomb but not alone. So I turned around and led them to the first rock garden where we discovered no tranny skid on Bobs Jeep. So we turned around and headed back. We parted ways at the creek.
                    I headed to JB as it started to rain. Topless again, and having just spent two trips in the Moon Powder on Holcmb the inside of my jeep now looks like Saturday night at the mud wrestling championships. Sans the hot babes in bikins Damn it!
                    I get to the campground at JB and find two guys doing major surgery on a Chevy Cheyenne Blazer. Broken rear axle. Smart dudes these two. Looked very safe even on the steep terrain. I stayed ther until they got all 4 on the ground, then followed them down to 3N16 to be sure all was cool. Went back and ran JB in the rain. Slippery does not begin to describe the trail, but stupidity is a pretty good descriptor for me doing that solo. No probs though, made it through fine.
                    So, as the rain lets up to a sprinkle I head for Gold Mountain. I thought GM would be the easiest of all the trails. It read my mind and kicked my ass! Bent drag link, smashed steering stabilzer, slid off a rock the size of Manhattan that should have taken out both drive shafts, slid off the trail at the rock garden, body damage, you name it. But I made it out alive, so I went to a local watering hole, had some drinks with a nice couple I met there, then we went to dinner, and I dragged my sorry arse to the house about midnight.

                    Sorry, no pics, my camera and I aren't getting along right now.

                    All in all, I'm ready to do it again tomorrow!

                    Happy 4th everyone,
                    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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                    • #11
                      Hey sweet!! Sounds like a blast. We haven't done a full mountain run in a long time. Let us know when you're up for another.

                      Was there a sign at Dishpan for the closed area? I assumed they closed it off so that there weren't 50 MORE full sized trucks parked in the trail.
                      :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sarah
                        Hey sweet!! Sounds like a blast. We haven't done a full mountain run in a long time. Let us know when you're up for another.

                        Was there a sign at Dishpan for the closed area? I assumed they closed it off so that there weren't 50 MORE full sized trucks parked in the trail.
                        Yellow tape and small sign. Didn't read it but I take it crowds might be the reason.
                        [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rat patrol
                          You missed a torrential downpour on John Bull. It went from dusty to mega slippery in ten minutes. And I was topless. Its gonna take a week to clean to mud out
                          Lets go back and do that run sometime, it was great!
                          Happy 4th,
                          Kurt, it sounds like you had a good time. I have never done Cleghorn I will be there on the next one.



                          • #14
                            I know you guys had fun
                            That is one of the runs we love to take,except we have a few minor changes, and have not been able to the last few years because of closures
                            except.... We start out on the 138, and go over the baldy mesa trail, easy, runs the ridge above the pass and then pases under the 15 ending up at the 15/138 juction, slash and dashr, and over to cleghorn, and after the bull, we do Jacoby canyon then pop over to catus flats to leave the forest by way of rattlesnake canyon. It is our yearly west to east SanBernardino forest run with around only 10 miles of pavement, if they would reopen mile high trail, I could get that down to 7.
                            Kiler areas, we usually do it over a 3 day so we can have fun without pushing for miles each day
                            censored for having an opinion

