i am going to the trinity site on april 1st. no fooling, really i am. this is the site of the first atomic detonation. the bomb was developed right here in new mexico at a little hole in the wall called los alamos. i dont know a lot about the area of trinity because it is only open 2 times a year.
if you want to go, meet at the owl cafe in san antonio, new mexico, this is on us 380 right off of i-25, at 8:30 am. the site is not far from there.
i dont know if photography is permitted, but hopefully i will be able to get some decent photo's and also some rare trinitinite.
if you want to go, meet at the owl cafe in san antonio, new mexico, this is on us 380 right off of i-25, at 8:30 am. the site is not far from there.
i dont know if photography is permitted, but hopefully i will be able to get some decent photo's and also some rare trinitinite.