Saturday we ran the middle section of the stage trail. We did get some damage to the jeeps in a small canyon just off part of the remaining visable stage trail. Steve will need to post those pictures. We swapped up camera memory card and he has these. Those will be great shots! Heres some further up the tail.
Another rock water fall On earlier posts I posted a BW shot of some freight wagons with horses coming up the canyon in the back ground
Here Steve is less one axel one wheel of pain no gain he said....actually there was turning back at this point it was do or die
While we were reviewing some old stone buildings I found earlier Steve found more on the top of this point so we messed around playing Cowboys and Indians..was it a fort to guard the trail???
Here we are at the end of the middle section coming out.
4 seperate runs to complete 2.5 miles. Were out!
More pictures
Another rock water fall On earlier posts I posted a BW shot of some freight wagons with horses coming up the canyon in the back ground
Here Steve is less one axel one wheel of pain no gain he said....actually there was turning back at this point it was do or die
While we were reviewing some old stone buildings I found earlier Steve found more on the top of this point so we messed around playing Cowboys and Indians..was it a fort to guard the trail???
Here we are at the end of the middle section coming out.
4 seperate runs to complete 2.5 miles. Were out!
More pictures