Look carefully, there another Heep behind the towering Renegade, can you guess who?
Wait! What happened.
I got JACKED. Our next generation of MyJeepRocks'er, startin' early.
Wait! Who's dirvin'. Another "Next Gen" 'ers. You can just imagine what kind of rigs these girls might end up with.
...and here's proof Nagal wheels his Jeep (offline)

Duke's picks a line. (no one else picked this one???)
No problem
"That was quick"
Kaffa's turn
I don't get in front of the camera much
Mean while Nagal's got a new spotter. ("On Yer Bike")
Traffic Jam! 'What are we waiting for?'
This won't be good
This really won't be good
The point of that rock ended up in the rear rim opening about to remove the stem. We jacked it on to rocks for height then jacked to the side which then he drove it the rest of the way through.
Not all went without leaving something behind (Black & Tan TJ)
"Do you think a Sharpie will fix it"
Shortly after this point I bailed out to a side road to wait for the rest to run the last few sections of the trail. Kaffa blew a bead which required a tire change while the sun set as temp's dropped. I do remember hearing quite a bit of "Cali striping" going on and was told it was probably a good call bailing out where I did.
The end of the trail, or as far as they could travel. There was a group of motorcycles on the other rig watching in envy wishing they had 4 wheels. (if the pictures look out of focus it because I couldn't hold the camera still, too frigin' cold for this coastal dweller.
In these last pictures you can see the trail (not) that travels up this washout. It had been a while since anyone had run this trail and it had changed, much of the wash had been washed out leaving rocks behind, big ones.
Cheers, Black & Tan TJ