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John Bull


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  • John Bull

    well me and Dad finished running the adopt a trail and decided to scoot over to the John Bull, now remeber Dad went and lost a control arm last saturday and didn't get to finish the trail so with me being his spotter he decided it was time to do it again.
    Let me tell you. running east to west, erosion makes this trail lots of fun. The winter stroms that kept me in my dog house hating life realy did a number and the climbs are all that much funnner, except it exposed a few more rocks, so yuou have to pick a line carfully but jeeps with one locker will get by just fine, nothing to extreme first half. We got to the second half staging area and I had run to the top of the first nice rockgarden climb and was impatiently waiting for dad to crawl out from under the jeep doing his mid trail inspection when he told me the bad news, blown axle seal, we had to rn to town.
    Now if that doesn't make a dogs day, thats twice now he has broke his jeep because he wont listen to me direct him, I keep showing the way I would go but he says that the jeep has to stay on trail. I guess he is correct.
    So I once again will have to wait to give a report on the second half of the Bull trail. Stupid Jeep
    Have Smackos, will travel

  • #2
    Are you insane?????

    The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed!!!!


    • #3
      that asked from someone who claims to be a rubber room escapee?
      censored for having an opinion


      • #4

        Sounds like Dad needs to learn to wheel with a wingman, preferably one with a reliable vehicle - see if you can find another Jeep dog with an attached human who qualifies.

        Very easy to do from your altitude - those rigs will all have leaf springs

        Oscar the Wonderwienerdog - on my Dad's computer....
        You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!


        • #5

          well on my third try this year I fianlly made it over the bull, Seems the old axiom that if you are going to wheel alone, you better be prepared has won out, as you have read I broke down 2 times this year alone, but was able to limp out on my own alone each time.
          I had my mechanic go over the jeep really good last week and we ran the bull west to east yesterday. Let me tell you it weas a Zoo up there.
          I think the word is out about the trail being a meca of SoCal, My friend running a Tacoma with the fatory locking rear axle and myself have never seen so many "fools" up there getting stuck and doing damage to our public lands ever. The choice of the day was unlocked NIssans and Toyotas that were way over their heads. I actually hooked up to 3 pickups to get them unstuck just so I could go around them, I wish them luck.

          getting on my soapbox:

          NOTE: Sarah we have talked about making flyers about Tread Lightly and posting them in PDF form on the site so we can print them and pass them out, I am ready to help write one if you are ready to put it up. I was sickened by what I saw yesterday.

          I actually unhooked from a Baja bug yesterday agfter he ran over my cable and left him stuck in the bottom of the sand Ravine where 3n10 and 3n43 seperate, he did not even know how to be recoverd and was tearing up the area just to be cool. I had a 10 minute talk to him about treading lightly and he said he was out ther to have fun, he paid raxes what did it mattered, I unhooked and told him to get his taxes to get his bug unstuck.

          Once again it remended me we need to organize and start teaching people so the green faction does not get to close our public land down. If every one here passed out INFO and let people know IT DOES MATTER, We could win the enviromental war as we would show we are the true stewards of our national heritage and lands,

          AAT is a big start, a bigger start would be passing out info, and it would take less effort on everyones part. I know I have mentioned it before, but the USA stared a info campaign about Litter 50 years ago and we have the least littered highways in the world. info and time. and a idea that can spread.

          Getting of soap box and getting back to the subject:

          So we then ran down to white mountain and had a fun time doing frustration hill, I will not tell you my result as I have my pride to protect but I tried it 3 times. At the AAT campout this August we should go there in a group, it was allot of fun.


          PS I just noticed I was posting under barkers name sorry
          Last edited by Beatrice; 07-17-05, 03:13 PM.
          Have Smackos, will travel

