That was all my fault for not communicating better. I was wrenching into the evening getting Opy some new knock sensors, so I didn't post until morning. Sorry we missed Art and Fred. I have never wheeled there so I missed the normal staging area, but luckily Butch hung in there and we finally met up.
We got to Pumpkin Eater and had a great time making it up the hill. The V8 is awesome (even though it is still throwing 1 knock sensor code, better that the two it was throwing). The lower gearing in the D300 is great too. Coming from 1.9:1 in the np205 the Dana's 2.62:1 makes a big difference. Made it up the waterfall once I got the line right and charged up the rest. I had one glitch when I lost starter power, but it ended up just being the relay so I popped in a new one and was good again. After we made it through the tough part and were headed to the road, Butch hit a rock, bounced the rear end and dropped the rear driveshaft. It looked like the splines jammed on the slip joint and when the axle drooped it pulled the u-joint bolts out (my best guess). So we headed to Barstow and picked up some u-bolts and got it back together. All in all a great day, I am really happy with the way Opy is running. Temp is steady, good power, can go slower with the new t-case and I think my milage improved.
We got to Pumpkin Eater and had a great time making it up the hill. The V8 is awesome (even though it is still throwing 1 knock sensor code, better that the two it was throwing). The lower gearing in the D300 is great too. Coming from 1.9:1 in the np205 the Dana's 2.62:1 makes a big difference. Made it up the waterfall once I got the line right and charged up the rest. I had one glitch when I lost starter power, but it ended up just being the relay so I popped in a new one and was good again. After we made it through the tough part and were headed to the road, Butch hit a rock, bounced the rear end and dropped the rear driveshaft. It looked like the splines jammed on the slip joint and when the axle drooped it pulled the u-joint bolts out (my best guess). So we headed to Barstow and picked up some u-bolts and got it back together. All in all a great day, I am really happy with the way Opy is running. Temp is steady, good power, can go slower with the new t-case and I think my milage improved.