March 21-23, 2014 marked the 4th annual SoCal Desert Rendezvous, organized and hosted by the crew at American Adventurist. (http://americanadventurist.com/Forum/forum.php) This was our second time attending this event. A few weeks before the event, the super secret location is reveled with a set of GPS coordinates- Google Maps cut and paste: 33.599581,-115.536937
This is a very laid back, free event which features desert cleanups, trail runs, a potluck, raffle, dutch oven competition, steel shoot, swap meet, and of course a big campfire for all to enjoy. There were even some OAUSA folks there to host some amateur radio testing. Its great getting together with fellow adventurers with a variety of awesome vehicles, along with great food & drink at a remote desert location.
Click here for my photos and write up.