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Yeah, yeah, yeah. I went back and read all pages of this thread and saw that I forgot you. If you are that upset, I will happily camp by the gatekeeper so you wont have to see me. Or out of your rock throwing distance.
Naw Jason, you're forgiven. Your penance can be giving me a beer...
SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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heya rkcwler,
a couple of us live right across the 605 from you in lakewood and are leaving on friday to caravan up there. we are both driving alone and you are more than welcome to hang with us. let me know and i'll give you my info to hook up.
Looks like I'm going to pass, but I Thank You for the invite. I need to figure out why I have a resonating vibe that starts at 60 mph. Taking the TJ to friend who owns a performance auto shop in South Gate. Changing out all fluids, grease all, check wheel bearings, u-joints, etc. If he can get me in Friday, I may still go, but he thinks Monday or Tuesday.
Last edited by rkcwler; 03-27-14, 03:14 PM.
Reason: edit
Hey guys. I may not make it by 10. I feel terrible but my daughter missed her flight and is stuck in Denver. I'm currently at the airport trying to get her to socal. I was supposed to be home all packed up for an early morning drive but it's not looking good for that.
It's not what you have. it's what you do with what you have.
Hey guys. I may not make it by 10. I feel terrible but my daughter missed her flight and is stuck in Denver. I'm currently at the airport trying to get her to socal. I was supposed to be home all packed up for an early morning drive but it's not looking good for that.