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Found that gosh darn Elvis


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  • Trail Report: Found that gosh darn Elvis

    Did Elvis today, long drive for a short and not terribly hard trail that is when you follow the bunny line on the right, some of the stuff along the left wall is gnarly.

    Hammer (4) by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    Found some entertainment on the way back

    Hammer (5) by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    Then we ran Chocolate thunder, so much better now, the beginning is all dug out and fun again, also the big rock at the top, the left line is doable again
    The right not so, some pretty good size rocks tumbled in there.
    From there we drove to Full of Love walked the entire trail, or what seemed to be the trail, rain washed pretty much all proof and tracks away.
    Going to have to find a few more brave souls and dedicate a day for that trail.
    It's one of those you really need to work at.
    After that we headed back to the bridge talked for a bit with Gerald and the two Johns about their build, man that thing is nice.

    Hammer (3) by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    After that we headed due west and found a cool trail somebody had just cut, basically there was a single set of tracks, way cool trail, loose rocks, steep climbs, some tippy stuff. Was quite entertaining after that we tooled around the desert and ended up at Turkey Claw knocked that one out and headed back to the trailers, loaded up and headed home.

    By the way any takers to try and run Full of Love after KOH?
    Rich, Chuck, Kurt?

  • #2
    Gerald/John car is really nice. Saw it during Tday week. The welding is amazing.

    Tday week we ran on the 247 side of the mountain from Turkey Claw. No tracks and just fun.

    Have not run FOL, but looked at a few years ago. The granite slab is pretty tippy and I understand you want to have a cable out. Will have to see when you plan to run.

    Have you run SOS?


    • #3
      We did sos and got to the big bolder you go around to the right and couldn't get around it. The trail we were looking at but didn't know the name I think is off your rocker. Tried to run it yesterday but went up the trail south of it.
      You can make it


      • #4
        For any that care, here is a pretty decent Hammers map with gps coordinates


        • #5
          Nice map, thanks for that link Art!
          Off road adventure photography:

          TreadLightly Trainer
          Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
          HAM - KI6PFO

          2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


          • #6
            You are welcome Nathan


            • #7
              Yep, that map rocks Art Thank you.
              You can lead a horse to water, but it might drown

