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early last week, I was post for day run but found no one so I was almost gave up for run, and last friday I got phone call from fresno friend of me say few people are on the way for hammer. met them at the mean lake on saturday morning. 3rigs shown and they have set up one with 49" tire ,the other two with 46", and mine 42". 10:00am first we ran sladge hammer everyone nice and easy. return to camp site and take lunch ,start talking about 2nd trail. now 4 of us agreed for outer limit night run ,and everybody was shaking with excitment. I was lil tremble in every limb because the outer limit night run. ha ha ha,, however we taking time and wait for dusk. 5:15 pm we were leaving lake bed heading outer limit. got there around 5:40pm.entering canyon slowly and easy. everybody exciting and challenge.but we still had sun light. and getting dark around half way of the trail.3 of us used winch and other one was easy climb at the last obstacle. I think we finished trail around 7:20. no brake no damage at all. that was fun and fantastic!!!. willing to go back for another night run ,probably "spooner" . Thanks for looking.
Holy Guacamole, Looks like fun. 49 inch tire? Damn makes my 37's look tiny. Probably have more money in their tires than I have in my entire rig. LOL. I like that pickup. Did you have the area all to yourself? Last couple of times Scotty and I went out there we had it all to our selves. Winches were use in certain areas. Better to be safe on equipment than having to walk out.