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Swamp Lake nature pics


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  • Trail Report: Swamp Lake nature pics

    Fred and me spend 3 days in the sierras around Shaverlake Northern California. Ran Swamplake trail, gorgeous scenery, but not enough obstacles for my liking.Still was a fun lil trail Liked this thingy the most

    camping 015 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    Is right after this

    camping 011 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    camping 013 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    Some views on the way

    camping 009 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    Fast Freddy chillin

    camping 008 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    Home ward bound

    camping 049 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    camping 038 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    camping 031 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    camping 030 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    camping 028 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    camping 021 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    camping 010 by aartjestaartje, on Flickr

    Also ran part of the Dusy from Kaiserpass to Ershim lake and back all in 3 full days of fun wheelin.

    By the way here is a trip recap, busy 3 days

    Here is a lil recap of our trip
    Met at my bud's house at 5 AM Wednesday morning, drove 300 miles to Shaverlake CA, then another 21 miles to the trailhead of Swamp lake. Drove 5-6 miles of dirtroad to the actual trail, then ran half the trail to Grouse lake got there at 3.30 PM
    Setup up camp, did a bit of fishing and hiking, made dinner, relaxed a lil for a change.
    Watched bats pick bugs of the water surface was way cool and turned in for the night.
    Thursday was a hard day made us feel old lol.
    Finished Swamplake trail, hunted for our trailers, then drug the whole shebang up too kaiserpass, found out we couldn't park at the trailhead, fun lil road for trailers, in parts the road was at the most 1 foot wider than the trailers, rock wall on one side, couple a thousand feet drop on the other and steep. Turned around, backtracked a few miles found an area to park, unloaded the Jeeps and started rocking. Nine miles of continues crawling and still made the campground before dark, man that day made me feel sore and old.
    Got there at 5.30PM Setup camp ate dinner relaxed watched the stars before hitting the sack.
    Friday morning got up ate breakfast, packed up our junk, hit the trail, we kinda took it easy since both Jeeps were a bit low on gas.
    Got to the trailers and made the fun drive back to civilization. Hit Clovis CA around 1.30PM ate lunch got gas and headed home which brought more fun. My bud's truck or trailer started vibrating real bad on the highway and took us quite awhile to figure out. after screwing around and pulling off the road several times I found that one of his trailer tires had a tire casing failure. Once we had that changed we hit the road and made it home around 10.30 pm. Wife needed the truck the next working so pulled Jeep of trailer, stored trailer, unloaded the rest of the junk and called it a day around 11.30 PM. Funny how I find this stuff relaxing

  • #2
    Had a good time up in the woods. First day went really good nice lake to camp at
    Grouse lake. second day was pushing it a little bit to much. The Dusy trail seemed a little harder and about 6 miles in i was getting tired and lost concentration till i hit a tree that stooped me cold.That will wake you up. made it to lake and got a good nights sleep.
    The ride out was alot nicer except for wondering if I had enough gas to get to the end. The gauge was in the red 1/2 the way out then would jump to 1/4 full. Just quit looking at the gauge an drove it out.
    You can make it


    • #3
      Was a fun lil trip wasn't it Fred?
      here are a few more pics for Y'all's entertainment


      • #4
        Looks like an awesome trip! Great pics!
        I've been itchin' to run the Dusy from the end back to Ershim Lake. I am pretty sure that is the toughest part of the whole trail, but it has been a while for me. Sort of glad to hear that you felt that running it into the lake was different than coming out from the lake.

        I have finally stopped drinking for good.
        Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


        • #5
          Yup heading to the lake is more fun fer shure

          Had wanted to do that 4 years ago, made good on it last week was fun, long day but fun, 9 miles of rock after half of swamp lake and then dragging our Jeeps up, made for a bit of a long day
          Last edited by aw12345; 09-10-13, 10:29 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
            Yup heading to the lake is more fun fer shure

            Had wanted to do that 4 years ago, made good on it last week was fun, long day but fun, 9 miles of rock after half of swamp lake and then dragging our Jeeps up, made for a bit of a long day
            Did you have a chance to finish the Swamp or turn around at Grouse/Swamp Lake? The reason I'm askins is because when we were out there I was asking the same question...where are the obstacles. On day 3 we encountered the obstacled heading down pass Swamp Lake. The last five miles were fun and it just seemed like never ending, especially because we had to drive home the same day after leaving Swamp. Will definitely go back but stay one extra day.

            I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


            • #7
              We fninished the whole trail and yes the down hill part had some fun stuff. Dusy between Kaiser pass and Ershim campground is way more fun though. 9 miles of mostly non stop rock crawling


              • #8

                Very nice report and beautiful pictures. Looks like an awesome time.


                • #9
                  I'd say you're a glutton for punishment if you did Grouse Lake, out the bottom, then White Bark Vista Point to Ershim Lake in one day.


                  • #10
                    Nah just another day of Jeepin


                    • #11
                      awesome guys.... I am ready to join yall now... let's get some runs in...


                      • #12
                        Help me understand where this is, looks like off trail.


                        • #13
                          It's near the top of the steep climb


                          • #14
                            Did you go up this?


                            • #15
                              Maybe this is it looking the other way.

