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Across the Mountains.... well, sort of.


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  • Trail Report: Across the Mountains.... well, sort of.

    Well, this Memorial Weekend did NOT go according to plan. We had breakdowns, damage, hours of time lost during repairs, trail runs that had to be cancelled, and camping arrangements shot to hell.....

    [COLOR=#a52a2a]And Damn, it was a GOOD TIME!

    I have been itching for a while to make an expedition across the San Bernardino mountains. The idea was to drive the full range from Lytle Creek to Landers, CA. If we had been able to do the planned route, we would have driven 133 miles with only 13 of them on pavement. We would have ran 14 "Black Diamond" rated, or equivalent, trails.

    But that didn't happen.

    [COLOR=#a52a2a]This is what did:[/COLOR]

    At 8am on Saturday morning, we met at the start of the journey at 1N31 off of Glen Helen Parkway in near Devore, CA:

    We already had our first issue when the RAT kept going dead. It quit three times before we got to the trail head. Kurt thought that it was that the new gas cap wasn't venting properly and the fuel was getting vapor-locked. He punched a small hole in the cap, cranked it up and we were on our way.

    We climbed Lytle Ridge and got over half way when Kurt's Jeep died again. We were deep into the clouds at this point:

    We were there for a while. The Jeep would not restart.
    Cool Panorama:

    Kurt chased down the issue and found a short in the connection for the fuel pump. With that fixed, we were moving again. I decided to clip off a section of the trail and go directly to the start of Cleghorn. We ended up making such good time on the trails that day, that in hindsight, I wish that I hadn't bypassed that section.

    Regardless, we popped out of the clouds as we got there. Cleg was a good time as usual. We took every open side trail:

    We drove from Cleghorn to 2N17X:

    My nemesis hill won again. I didn't have enough breakover angle to be able to climb up. It probably didn't help that I had three days rations and equipment for three people loaded in the Jeep as well:

    It is still a great trail with great views:

    From the top, we ran the Pilot Rock side trails over to the Pinnacles staging area, Willow Creek Cutover (that has been 'accidentally' graded), crossed Willow Creek, and then took some moderate trails up into Lake Arrowhead. We camped for the night at the Northshore OHV Work Center. We had access to showers and flush toilets due to our AAT Volunteer status. Not a bad way to camp!:

    All-in-all, so far so good. The next day, we headed to Dishpan Springs down 2N29Y. Before we turned to go to the T6 bridge, Kurt stopped due to a loud popping noise from the front of the Jeep. After research, he found that the track bar heim joint was the source. A little WD40 quieted it down and we carried on.

    Several of the folks with us had not been on Dishpan before, so it was great fun to share the experience with them:

    Next on the list was Holcomb Creek. There were a few things that we wanted to do on the trail for AAT Maintenance. We picked up trash, surveyed the areas that will require organized work days, replaced the missing MJR logos on the signs, and replaced the Black Diamond rating sticker:

    The trail is in good shape for the most part, and was seeing a lot of traffic that day:

    Unfortunately for me, things went sideways before we got off the trail. The plan was to run from Holcomb Creek, across 3N08, run John Bull and Gold Mountain, and then head out towards Heartbreak to dispersed camp for the night. Instead, I had a heim joint on my upper control arm on the rear axle disintegrate. No one had an exact fit spare (something that I will make SURE doesn't happen again!). It took some time to get a repair that would actually work. Even then, we were not confident of the strength of the fix.

    We limped the Jeep out to pavement. Ryan offered us crash space at a cabin that he sometimes has access too. He went ahead to see if it was available and is was!

    That's right, warm house with a fireplace and showers! Ryan, I still can't thank you enough for all the help with the fix and the crash space. It truly saved the trip:

    That night we found that the fix was probably good enough to get home, but definately could not be trusted for any more trails. This group was awesome. We just made a new plan to go have fun. We threw out the crossing to Landers and decided to run Gold Mountain and John Bull. There were enough empty seats to put my crew in, so we just parked Mr. Green for the day.

    After assigning seats, we headed for Gold Mountain:

    But fate was still trying to rain on our parade. Near the end of Gold Mountain, Roger's jeep developed a leak in the power steering pump. I really wanted everyone that could to run John Bull. So the group again re-assessed the plan and we decided that Roger and I would head back into town and the rest of the folks could run JB. We could meet up later:

    Meanwhile, Roger and I worked on a different issue that he had told me about while we were waiting on the rest of the crew to return. We adjusted his rear drum brakes and parking brake. It seems like we have the issues fixed.

    At lunch time, we drove over to the North Shore Cafe. As we were ordering, Sharon calls me and says that they finished JB and were heading out. We all met for lunch:

    Then went and played around at Fawn Park before heading home:

    So even though we didn't achieve the goal of crossing the length of the range, we most certainly achieved an enjoyable adventure in the mountains for the Memorial Day Weekend. That was truly the goal in the first place.

    And a hell of a great group of folks! I'm proud to know all of you.

    Almost as proud as I am of the troops that this weekend remembers!
    Thanks for making this turn out to be such fun!

    I have finally stopped drinking for good.
    Now I drink for evil..... :devil:

  • #2
    Mike – thank you for planning this trip. I had a great time. The deviations from the plan were just part of the adventure.


    • #3
      Thanks for posting this report. This report right here is exactly why I've chose to stay active on MJR and wheel the Rubicon with the MJR crew rather than folks out here. You guys are what the Jeep community should be.
      USMC F&AM


      • #4
        i had a great time.let me know if and when we are going to try it again.


        • #5
          Great report. Sorry you guys didn't make it. Good thing is I should be done by the next attempt.

          Make sure you post your hours please so I can add them to our spreadsheet.
          Check out .


          • #6
            Mike, you are the best! Even with the few mishaps we had, we all just took it in stride and had a great time! Ah so many memories! Well time to shut down the computer and start fixing my Jeep! Oh, we discovered that I have a failing u-joint at the rear drive shaft, more to fix!
            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
            MJR moderator
            MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
            Jeep Patrol Leader
            Reforestation Supervisor
            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
            Eagle Scout


            • #7
              Originally posted by Roger View Post
              Mike, you are the best! Even with the few mishaps we had, we all just took it in stride and had a great time! Ah so many memories! Well time to shut down the computer and start fixing my Jeep! Oh, we discovered that I have a failing u-joint at the rear drive shaft, more to fix!
              SEE ............. You should've kept the CJ:hide:
              Hav'n you along, is like loose'n 2 good men....


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lumpy Grits View Post
                SEE ............. You should've kept the CJ :hide:
                x2 Yup
                Dennis and Tammy
                Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!


                • #9
                  Looks like Sergio's, FrankenJeep's facelift was fairly succesfull.
                  Mike, that's what happens when you do not bring Chucky's mobile repair wagon with ya. He would have welded it all and got everybody going again
                  Looks like a memorable trip to say the least


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
                    Mike, that's what happens when you do not bring Chucky's mobile repair wagon with ya. He would have welded it all and got everybody going again
                    Actually Mike wants to be able to keep his junk, not have to replace all the field welded crap. We did a fix that is reversable. Sometimes field engineering beats out brute force.
                    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                    [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                    • #11
                      This was a great trip even with all the curve balls. It is baseball season afterall...
                      I didn't take many photos or shoot much video but here is a quick lesson in stuffing 10 pounds of :poop: in a half pound bag...
                      The fine art of traveling by Jeep

                      All of this needs to go in that Jeep

                      cross mtn 20130001 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      cross mtn 20130003 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      cross mtn 20130004 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      Ozz watches contently

                      cross mtn 20130008 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      cross mtn 20130011 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      cross mtn 20130017 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      cross mtn 20130018 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      cross mtn 20130021 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      cross mtn 20130023 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      Elapsed time... 5 minutes

                      cross mtn 20130023 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      TAA DAAAA

                      cross mtn 20130024 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                      I'll try to get some video up tonight...
                      [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                      [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                      • #12
                        This is straight out of the camera. I just dropped a soundtrack on it and let 'er rip.

                        [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                        [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                        • #13
                          Nice vid! Questionable first part of the soundtrack, but it recovered.
                          Nice 'time-lapse' pics. How'd that guy do that?

                          I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                          Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                          • #14
                            Cool video, Cleggy is still one of my favorite trails, cool video of John Bull, doesn't look like it has changed much from last summer.
                            The one little section with the 3 line choices is cool, made my lil yeller climb the middle last summer, took a bit of probing mist my lil cheater camera, guess I got to built one for my lil Jeep too. All in all looks like you guys had a good time. Next time around I might join you guys just for the day sections, still prefer my own bed at night. Or blaze through the hole thing in a day, still want to try a day trip from Cleghorn to 2n17x to pinacle peak to dishpan, holcomb, john bull, goldmountain and back would be fun to try that in a day. Would be a pretty long day though


                            • #15
                              Is this a I can do this or I have no choice. Either way amazing to think it can be done.
                              Originally posted by RAT View Post
                              This was a great trip even with all the curve balls. It is baseball season afterall...
                              I didn't take many photos or shoot much video but here is a quick lesson in stuffing 10 pounds of :poop: in a half pound bag...
                              The fine art of traveling by Jeep

                              All of this needs to go in that Jeep

                              cross mtn 20130001 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              cross mtn 20130003 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              cross mtn 20130004 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              Ozz watches contently

                              cross mtn 20130008 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              cross mtn 20130011 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              cross mtn 20130017 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              cross mtn 20130018 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              cross mtn 20130021 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              cross mtn 20130023 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              Elapsed time... 5 minutes

                              cross mtn 20130023 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              TAA DAAAA

                              cross mtn 20130024 by MJR RAT, on Flickr

                              I'll try to get some video up tonight...

