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Jan 19 to 21 or 22 BB and CB


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  • Trail Run: Jan 19 to 21 or 22 BB and CB

    Had a long post wrote but tablet had other plans for my toils.... Here is the basics. Due to my back I am skipping a snowboarding trip and coming out to wheel. We should arrive to BB around 3p on the 19th. We plan to hit Jacoby Cyn right away. The misses really likes this trail so she will probably drive it. We will probably head to the cabin after that to relax.

    On Sunday the 20th we would like to start the day off with Holcomb, then hit John Bull. I am hoping that some of the MJR crew can make this a bit of a "Lockers 101" for me as I'm learning to drive all over again.

    On Monday the 21st I'm hoping we can hit CB to run Cakewalk and Bullfrog.

    So who is up for what? :-) We won't wheel without someone with us. I know there is a thread already for the 20th but figured I would start a separate one since this is a multiday trip.

  • #2
    I can most likely come out to CB on the 21 st


    • #3
      Awesome! It would be nice to run those Trails. Maybe a 9a meet at Camp Rock and 247? I would say Chicken Rick but I think i forget how to get there.
      USMC F&AM


      • #4
        It's just before you head into the canyon to Bullfrog


        • #5
          Ya... No memory if how to get there in general sadly.
          USMC F&AM


          • #6

            What time on the Monday would you be up for meeting up and running the CB area? I found on the Camp Rock/247 meeting spot on the map, but I still can't seem to recall how to get out to Chicken Rock from there. Amazing how quickly my brain dumps some things...

            And finally... I just wanted to post up that our first night of this trip, the 19th we are camping at Yellow Post #1. We'll be there for that night, then after the 20th wheeling with Dzrt and Dirtman we'll be in a cabin before heading down to CB on the 20th. From there we'll either camp another night or head back to Az later that day... Depends on how tired we are. All are welcome to come camp in the snow with us! Haha (I'm excited for the wife to try out the Marine Corps sleep system I dug out for her... Maybe she won't freeze all night.
            USMC F&AM


            • #7
              9 am at camprock rd works fine for me


              • #8
                Think I can do this guys. see you there.

                Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by curtis View Post
                  Think I can do this guys. see you there.
                  Great looking forward to it gents. I'll see you all at 9a at Camp Rock/247.
                  USMC F&AM


                  • #10
                    Tips if I can ask where abouts are u staying? Still plan on wheeling the 20th? We just got 12 inches of snow in the last week. 4 inches today at my house so trails probably got more. Still wanna meet at BB gas or where? If you wanna run Holcombe fastest way there is from Fawnskin I think its 3N34 takes u right to trailhead...
                    I did it just the way you told me too!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DzrtRat View Post
                      Tips if I can ask where abouts are u staying? Still plan on wheeling the 20th?
                      We are tent camping at a Yellow Post Site on the 19th, or at Holcomb Flats off of 3N16 (I think). I'm beginning to think we'll go to Holcomb Flats as it is either free or 50% cost to us and I suspect 3N16 will be easier to navigate than some of the other roads. I'm still up for Holcomb, but I've never ran it and don't know what the snow is like up there. I'm up for what ever on the Sunday really. Far as the 19th we'll probably come in from the JV side, hit Jacoby on our way up the hill, then follow 3N16 across to the campground and set up camp.
                      USMC F&AM


                      • #12
                        I just ran up polique canyon through Holcombe to the dump just for fun it wasnt bad...Plenty of snow but theres been a ton of people up here wheeling tearing up the fresh snow. Tent camping whew you are pretty tough. High today was only 27 and got close to zero last night I think. Ive never ran Holcombe in the snow either I have done john Bull and Gold mtn though.
                        I did it just the way you told me too!!!


                        • #13
                          Okay. I'm good to run what ever everyone thinks is smart and safe. Far as the tent camping... Yea. The wife and my sister both have sleeping bags rated to -30, and I'm just plain dumb.
                          USMC F&AM


                          • #14
                            My wife and I are in Samurais both rigs are on 33's with a rear locker. Think we could join you guys for the Bullfrog run?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by doubleoh7 View Post
                              My wife and I are in Samurais both rigs are on 33's with a rear locker. Think we could join you guys for the Bullfrog run?
                              Of course! We'd be happy to have a few more.
                              USMC F&AM

