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Bullfrog night run report

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  • Trail Report: Bullfrog night run report

    It was nice to run the Bullfrog again, it's been awhile for most. There were 10 or more riggs, all well equipped. I think we set a record for running the trail - about 3 hours and back to the trucks at 11:15.

    It was the first time through the trail for a couple in the group. We took most of the added sections all the way through the trail. There were no vehicle issues and we were done before we knew it.

    There is a permanant change to the trial - after you pass the "Triple Ledgie" make a right turn up the rocky canyon and then a left turn up a rocky off camber climb out of the canyon and it puts you back on the main route. Many have been getting lost going the original route. I'll post a trail marker out there sometime in the future.

    Slideshow - photobucket is a little slow in loading

    A few pix

    The "V" Notch

    The Slider Rider Loop

    The Horizonal Challenge

    The Jeep Eater

    This is what it's all about..........right Brett

    Last edited by mkjeepers; 08-05-12, 04:29 PM.

  • #2
    Thanks mike for a good time on the ole bullfrog .good to see everybody and nice meetin some new .hope curtis woke up early and beat the heat .cant wait till motino .see ya soon .thanks again john.


    • #3
      Mike thanks for leading us around, it isn't easy to find your way around at night, yet you make it always look easy.
      Was good meeting new faces, the little camp out afterwards was fun, Skeeter is always good for some entertainment.
      Skeeter boy if all else fails you can always become a cook, thanks for the grub bud.
      All in all, great night great weather and great people to hang out with


      • #4
        Looks like you all had a great time. Wish I could've made it. Did you have to tell Brett, to only, use half his lights? Otherwise, it wouldn't have been much of a night run, with him lighting up the entire area.
        It was like that when I got here.


        • #5
          Looks like a great trip. I wanted to make it but had a family thing going on. I will make Mottino for sure. It looks like you found some new challenging sections.


          • #6
            Thanks Mike and everyone for a great time. The run was great fun and the camp out was also lots of fun. The kids did keep the old guy up too late. LOL
            Sunday we took off for Mottino (Jonah, Geoffrey and friends,Dan, Brett, and Me. We blew right through Mottino with no problems. Jonah and the little jeep that can did awsome.

            Also great picture of Art, Mike.

            Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


            • #7
              I couldn't make the night run, but I did make it in time for some ribs and beverages (Thanks Brett!). Had a great time running Mottino, thanks everyone!

              After Mottino Dan and I hit Holcomb. We went east to west, split off on 2N06X, then went to the west end of Holcomb and ran to the middle rock garden where I cut a sidewall. Dan and I plugged it and ran out the west end of Holcomb. Fun times!

              I didn't get many pics but here they are.

              Curtis in Mottino

              Dan in Mottino

              Curtis deep in the rocks

              Brett in the trees


              • #8
                Well Jonah looks like Opy stayed together, no broken axle shafts. The tire oh well I am sure you'll find better replacements. The KM 2's hold up better than the shoes you got now


                • #9
                  Yeah, I will have to see what I can do about the tires. But Opy did good, the new chromo shafts held up, no overheating issues and ran great all day. Now if I can just figure out how to pick a line...


                  • #10
                    Great pix everyone! I had a great time! It was the first time I was able to use my lights truly at night to set up camp and such and I must say I was very impressed with the results! Disco Jeep is in full force!

                    The funny part is that as I was driving home I noticed my alternator guage keep dropping... "uh oh"!!! I unplugged everything I could in my lil YJ and prayed my dual Optima Yellow Tops had enough juice to drive me all the way back to Hermosa from Big Bear. (Curtis and I had an extra 50 miles added on our return home thanks to a propane truck that decided to roll over and leak all over the road Luckily I just barely made it back to Hermosa I didn't even have enough juice for my turn signals to come on...

                    The alternator is 1 month old... Bob @ Hermosa Jeep threw a new new one in today... the new one charges @just under 14 volts but blows the 50 amp fuse when the engine is reved above idle. We checked the winch cables and are trying another alternator (new new new) tomorrow. If it takes too long to trouble Shoot Jonah offered to come play inspector gadget with me tomorrow and try to trouble shoot where the ground is that is blowing the 50 amp fuse!

                    Lets go for another night run soon!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vwtipeii View Post
                      Great pix everyone! I had a great time! It was the first time I was able to use my lights truly at night to set up camp and such and I must say I was very impressed with the results! Disco Jeep is in full force!

                      The funny part is that as I was driving home I noticed my alternator guage keep dropping... "uh oh"!!! I unplugged everything I could in my lil YJ and prayed my dual Optima Yellow Tops had enough juice to drive me all the way back to Hermosa from Big Bear. (Curtis and I had an extra 50 miles added on our return home thanks to a propane truck that decided to roll over and leak all over the road Luckily I just barely made it back to Hermosa I didn't even have enough juice for my turn signals to come on...

                      The alternator is 1 month old... Bob @ Hermosa Jeep threw a new new one in today... the new one charges @just under 14 volts but blows the 50 amp fuse when the engine is reved above idle. We checked the winch cables and are trying another alternator (new new new) tomorrow. If it takes too long to trouble Shoot Jonah offered to come play inspector gadget with me tomorrow and try to trouble shoot where the ground is that is blowing the 50 amp fuse!

                      Lets go for another night run soon!
                      Motino wash coming up, unless you want to do some night time exploring in Big Bear before that


                      • #12
                        Yeah we got half way down the 38 and had to go all the back to BB and down the 330. Don't let jonah fool you, he did every hard line with ease. He was the best line picker of the day.

                        Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by curtis View Post
                          Yeah we got half way down the 38 and had to go all the back to BB and down the 330. Don't let jonah fool you, he did every hard line with ease. He was the best line picker of the day.
                          Lil Opy and it's driver definitely get er done


                          • #14
                            Great to see all the fun. Even better to see two awesome Jeeps that grew up here. Good show guys!
                            God forgives, rocks don't
                            -sons of thunder


                            • #15
                              You didn't see me on Holcomb Let's just say the armor got a work out and there was a winch involved.

                              Total bummer about not making it down the 38, that made it a long ride home.

                              Can't wait for the Mottino night run!

