Yes it's that time again.
Time for the official CI4X4 Swap Meet and Buffet.That's right, the kind folks at the Junkyard Cafe have offered to support our event by setting up an awesome buffet in their banquet hall for a mere $10 per person.
The event will be held at the Junkyard Cafe during 4X4 Night.
2585 Cochran St., SImi Valley, CA, 93065
Saturday, May 12, 2012 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Load-in for sellers is at 3:00 PM
The rules:
There will be a 50/50 raffle during the event and the winner will be announced at 7:30 PM. This will raise money for CI4X4 costs (web fees etc). Anyone wishing to donate additional funds will receive a free hug from Pixie.
Sign up at or send an email to
Hope to see you there.
Time for the official CI4X4 Swap Meet and Buffet.That's right, the kind folks at the Junkyard Cafe have offered to support our event by setting up an awesome buffet in their banquet hall for a mere $10 per person.
The event will be held at the Junkyard Cafe during 4X4 Night.
2585 Cochran St., SImi Valley, CA, 93065
Saturday, May 12, 2012 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Load-in for sellers is at 3:00 PM
The rules:
- Each member signed up will get one (1) parking space for free to sell their goods in.
- Non-members will be asked to donate $10 to CI4X4 for use of a single space.
- Business owners will be asked to donate $50.00 for two (2) spaces.
- CI4X4 staff will decide on location of stalls assigned for all sellers. This is NOT negotiable.
- All items sold must be related to outdoors and off road activity.
- No firearms or other weapons - accessories are fine.
- All sellers must park on the dirt in North end of lot.
- All sellers must take their trash with them at the end of the event PERIOD.
- All sales are final and between seller and buyer.
- Alcohol is NOT permitted in the parking lot.
There will be a 50/50 raffle during the event and the winner will be announced at 7:30 PM. This will raise money for CI4X4 costs (web fees etc). Anyone wishing to donate additional funds will receive a free hug from Pixie.
Sign up at or send an email to
Hope to see you there.